Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't Drink Dr. Pepper

Hahh today was really long...thank god it was Friday! We only had a four day week put it seemed wicked long.
Homeroom-Ellie was really mean again today. Hmph. We got in a tiff again. She's so mean to me this week.
Computer-ANOTHER FIRE DRILL! AHHHHH! I think we were pretty good. I stole Greta's headband. It looked pretty bangin on me. But then she took it back. Ellie's class kept giving us dirty looks. Again. They're so mean sometimes!
Science-We dissected lilies. Pretty fun. Loved it. I took Ashley's and Lizzie's flowers and put them in my pony tail! It looked pretty rad. Then Laura had flower petals in her hair and she put some in Greta's hair too and they looked amazing. But the actual dissection part was actually fun. Loved how Laura was like 'Shut up Alana!' When I clarified that the teacher was talking about the flower and not her and Greta.
Lunch-I honestly don't remember anything. No lie. Hm...I wonder.....
English-Went to the library with some amazing people. Amy showed all of us her house. Again. Megan did her word search. When we got back to class we worked on our english plays. Laura subbed in for Elizah for a little while, because she and Hannah are out again.
Spanish-WE ♥ DIAPERS! OHEMGEE SO FUNNY! Senora wore a diaper on her head, and Emily did too. [Once Hayley emails me the picture, I'll post it.] Worked on our spanish plays. Mercy Spice and Christian Holiano are in ours. Yeahhhh.
After school-Don't you dare drink Dr. Pepper! Mariana says it's really bad for you. Like, really. No lie. Hmmmm fun though. Ellie and I saw Johnathan and I told him I was a ninja and that I did karate. [Apparently, he does too.]
Fun day. :]
And look at think pretty picture Laura made me of Jas! [Dad says he's probably bringing her Saturday, so if you live near me and want to see her call me and maybee we can make it work.]