Friday, September 25, 2009


people look at me funny when i say this;
so i don't say it often:
you're my big sister.
you've always been there, always.
we don't always get along, but i love you beyond belief.
13 wonderful years; and now it's changing.
we used to play when we were little and that never changed.
this house will be too empty without you.
i have so many memories of you; with you; about you.
i'll never loose them.

i love you forever&always.

Friday, September 18, 2009


you look tired. i'm gonna make you a card cuz i promised you i would. i'm gonna make you one now, what do you mean i can't make you one? really? why did i just take out my phone? when you think tim mcgraw, i hope think my favorite song. we can change it if you want, what are you talking about? oh i remember her. i always tell you you have an exciting like and you're like uh uh uh. what? cuz they're all out. huh? no. cuz i got in trouble. i sucked at math. are you doing that thing again? really? really chessie really? this is my whole myspace thing. i hope you think that little white dress when you think tim mc graw i hope you think of me. uh uh. you have really pretty hair yeah yeah. CHESSY NO ONES GONNA LIKE THIS. JUST STOP IT. YOU JUST SPELLED IT WITH A Y. WOULD YOU? COULD YOU? why did i just look at lizzie when i said that? that happens to me too. so sad.

well hello there little fella. shuv it up your ass, mexico times texas equals tabasco suace lalalalalala RAHHH

i have great friends. they make me smile. no one makes me smile more(:

smile =) Pictures, Images and Photos
<3 missed this shizz.

Monday, March 02, 2009

I adore this girl

Greta has made my day today. A million times over.
"so Riley and Buffy the WHOLE episode are in his bed. just gettin' it AWNN. haha. but they can't help it cuz its a curse. "
My day is now complete.

Talk To Me, I Talk Back

Is it just me or does this sound better when Nickasaur! does it?

I adore him.

Snow day today! They called off school at like, 11 last night, so I got to sleep in. I've been listening to 3OH!3, Lady Gaga, and this kid named Chance who does covers of really good songs on YouTube. I'm also doing laundry. GOD I am so boring. I wanna go out and do something but I doubt I can get out of the driveway. Finished season 4 of Buffy last night! Very anti-climactic. Maybe I'll update later if anything fun happens.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

When you love someone, & they break your heart; don’t give up on love

I honestly believe that Nick Jonas is Superman.
Joe Jonas is impossible not to love.
Kevin Jonas has a sparkly guitar.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I like them a lot better than before.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby, could you blow my heart up?

Listening to Lady Gaga; waiting for Emma.
I want to go to the mall (NOW).
Greta and Lizzie are going toooo.
I'm upset because I got the update for Tap Tap....but all my downloaded songs got deleted.
I think I'm either going to wait to go to the Apple store to get them, or walk to the end of thew street and get them now.
Maybe I'll straighten my hair too?

Friday, February 27, 2009


I borrowed Laura's iPod in homeroom to listen to Losin' It like, a bajillion times in a row. Spanish was fun. Ashley learned about 3OH!3 and where it got its name. We watched a movie! Lizzie and Laura both like, tickle attacked me until I was legit on the ground. English was whatever. We couldn't talk in art, but it was still okay. Chessy drew me a picture in study! In computer Amy pretty much did my thing for me. Lizzie kept tickling me again. Bus ride home was the usual. We went over a huge bump and the high school kids yelled at us for being "loud". Laura and I were holding on for LIFE though thank god.
It's now 9 and I spent about the last 4 hours making a wish list from Hot Topic. (♥ Hello Kitty stuff is there.) The total came out to almost 700 dollars, but the word is WISH list.
Emma is coming down tomorrow...we're going Providence Place. Come say hiiii.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm at the office of the place where they're going to cut my frenulum. I'm sitting next to a potted plant so fake its leaves are fraying, and next to a girl with a night ponytail. It's in the house turned office of a cute loser kid Mom liked when she was little. I'm so bored.
Going to buy sour gummy worms later, tap tap now.