Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Know How To Say Cake In Hebrew =]

Yesterday was extremely fun!
I went to go see Twilight with Maggie, Mary. It was still amazing. Still bloody at the end. Still said the lines before they were said on screen. Still wished they made it longer. Oh well. =]
Then Maggie and I went to the mall and they got their hair straightened, and I got mine curled. By H! Who is going into the army, is from Israel, and speaks Hebrew. Their hair looked so pretty, though, and apparently I looked like a princess in mine.
We love those glasses. And you can't really see any of our hair, but that's okay.
After that Maggie and I bought some pretzels, got pulled over for speeding by a mall cop, and talked about recycling.
We went to Felini's for dinner. Maggie loved it. We learned to say no to drugs, and were told we had correct information. I don't really remember. We sent to Curiosities and met Jimmy! And his dog Aggie, who is so cute. Wendy, his wife, wasn't there though. Ahaha, Jimmy was so nice, in case you couldn't tell. He's going to Oregon next week!
But then, we went to go see Cast B of ACT do High School Musical! Finally, and they were so amazing! Katay wears lots of plaid, and argyle, and sweater vests, [FOUR were used in the whole production] but that's okay! Tori had cute jeans, Sam yelled a lot. Chessy was brilliant with the microphone thing, and Emily was really good too. Hayley was super good, and Ana was too. Pretty much everyone was. I had a cupcake. That was yummy. Maggie refused to give Marco a hug. I knew I loved her. Ahahaha, of course I do. =] I gave Conor a hug, because he sat right next to Maggie and I, and was very amused by us. You could tell by the way he kept laughing. Not even while the show was going on, just by us being us. But he was very nice, and he let me give him a hug. There was also a kid we sat near that had blue hair, who's name, we found out, was Adam. He was nice too, a bit surprised and scared looking. But he also let me give him a hug. Ahahaha, I hugged about everyone there. But sadly, we finally had to leave.
We went to Nana's to see Bella, her new dog, who I don't have a picture of yet. She's so adorable, and I promise, I'll get a picture soon.
I have to decide what to wear now.


Maggie said...

your music player keeps getting on my nerves...other than that, love you, love this blog LOVE UR HAIR CURLY!

Hayley said...

Ahahhah Alana your hair looked so AMAZING CURLY!