Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I was supposed to be at Nana's 8 minutes ago.
Ahh well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Maybe I'll change shoes?


.Death.Of.Beauty. said...

haha happy thanksgiving!!
and thanks for checking out my blog
i'm in the process of giving it a makeover sooo its boring for now
and the twilight movie was unbelievable but i'm sure it would have been much better if stephenie meyer hadn't dropped out of directing it. but i enjoyed it =D
how about you?

and i saw hey monday last saturday with the academy is... and we the kings
ya know? bill and travs bogus journey? theyre amazing
almost as great as paramore (my favourite band for like, 3 years haha)

.Death.Of.Beauty. said...

I don't celebrate thanksgiving... at least not now haha
I'm up in Canada so it comes at a different time haha.
yea haha I wanted to see ATL and Cobra too!! they all came to my area at like, the same time sooo I couldn't go to them all. but I've seen Cobra before, like, a few years back at the Honda Civic Tour. I LOVE Paramore but see, the only time I've seen them is a 30 minute set at Warped Tour in 2007... and the other time they were here I had to babysit! so it's sad :( but I've been to a LOOOTT of concerts haha (STILL NEED TO SEE ALL TIME LOW THOUGH)
and I agree with you on twilight... very rushed, but there was a LOT going on in the novel they couldn't have possibly fit it all into a 2 hour movie haha
oh well
thanks for coming by =D