Friday, October 19, 2007

Fridy, Lovely Friday

Lovely to be back in school, in some sucked in others, though. I was sick yesterday, so I stayed home. And spent almost all of the day talking to Ashley. She's the bomb by the way. Today:
*Extended* Homeroom- People presented their speeches for student council. Maggie and Macy ended up winning in our homeroom. So...VOTE TAYLO!!!
Science- Had a sub...she was kinda creepy, she kept looking at me suspiciously. She wouldn't let us talk at all. Or look at the adorable turtle!
English-Sub. English vocab test, then just talked. They tied to keep us quiet but, yeah righ, like that was gunna happen.
Lunch-Ate stuff.
Spanish-Er verbs...and FIYAHHH DRILLL! IN THE RAIN! (I didn't fall this time.) So we were like, dancing around, then we went into the gym, and sat. Laura played with my toothbrush, and I gave like, 4 people those little wooden-y ice cream spoons. Then we went back in and did work.
Gym-Fitness center. Warning-Listening to the step aerobics version of Hips Don't Lie 6 times in a row may be hazardous to your health.
Well, I think we might be starting season 3 of Buffy tonight...loves to you all! xoxoxo


Anonymous said...

lol! love the gym part! hahahahaha!

Belle ♥ said...

but you know it's true...