Friday, October 26, 2007

Kristen Chenoweth! And other stuff too...

So, my iPod is on shuffle, and it comes up to this song of Kristin Chenoweth and Jason Somebody, it's called Hanging Around With You, and it was really funny. She was like "Your agent called, your other gigs fell through" And he goes "Oh I love this album!" I thought it was funny. Sorry, random-ness.
(Kristen Chenoweth played Galinda/Glinda in Wicked, Cherie in Pink Panther [New version, obviously!], and in a new TV show called Pushing Daisies. I think that's the one about the guy who can bring stuff back to life. I dunno though.)
So I was watching TV this morning and I switch to Vh1 and this song that Lizzie likes comes on, its called How Far We've Come, by Matchbox 20, and I was like oh, Lizzie likes this song, but I kinda said it really loud, so I was afraid I woke Mum/Dave up. Don't worry, I didn't it's 8:35 and they're still sleeping.
Anyway I'm here bored, listening to music. Maybe I'll do the Spanish project. Yep, Spanish project it is. xoxo bye!


Anonymous said...

OMG I LOVVVVVE that song!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!

Belle ♥ said...

i know, right???