Monday, October 08, 2007

Rawr, no school today!

Hahahaha no school todayyyy! Rawr, so happy right now. I'm eating Nutella out of the jar! Yahh!
*NOTE: For those of you who have absolutely no idea what Nutella is-you've missed the point of life. It's this chocolate-y, hazelnut stuff, and it's really hard to describe but it's so good, and-OHMIGAWD, I JUST FINISHED THE JAR! NOOOOOO! (It wasn't full.)*
Okay now look at that picture. That one. ^
That is me right now, all mushed together, times a million. OHMIGAWD, one of them is smoking. I'm not smoking though. Trust meeee!
Anyway, nothing much is going on. Just chilling today. We were going to do some sort of thing outside, but it's raining. Here's me relaying the weather to Maggie. While you are on her site, sign the guest book, or order some jewelry!
(I'm salchicha, by the way. In case that wasn't obvious.)
Anyway, love ya all, but it's Monday-ness, and I have no school, so if you excuse me, I'm going to go dance around the house without Mom waking up. Possibly.
oxoxox bye!


Anonymous said...

hey babe! soooooo hppy u put me in ur blog. YAY ALANA!!!

Anonymous said...

im bored so im jus gonna post a million comments like i did on AIM


Anonymous said...

btw anonymous is me ba lonee

if u laughing at my name......BLAME MY MOM

Anonymous said...

god's last name is not damnit

he stabbed me again and again
but i still forgave him
cuz we're TIGHT now
so peeps
forgive ur murders
and ull got to heaven

Anonymous said...

yaay jewelry

Belle ♥ said...

YOU HAVE PROBLEMS LOVIE! but that why we love you

Anonymous said...

So THAT's what happend to my jar of Nutella...