Friday, November 02, 2007


Okay, so there's this dance at school tonight, and I'm way bored waiting for Laura to pick me up.
So I just bought Metro Station's cd and I love Ashley because she knows who they are! [They are, quite obviously, a band.] Yay! Today when I asked Maggie if she liked them she was like 'What's a Metro Station?' I love it though! I mean come on....
It's going to get harder
And it's going to burn brighter, and it's going to feel tougher each and every day
So let me say that I love you, you're all that I've ever wanted
All that I've ever dreamed of to come, and yes you did come
I want you so bad, can you feel it too?
You know I'm so, I'm so in love you
I want you for so much, I need you for so much
I need you, I need you, your love
Wasn't that sweet? <3


Anonymous said...

yes absolutely sweet oh and by the way i don't like dp as much anymore now i like jacoby ellsbury and jon lester and jonathan papelbon!

Anonymous said...

oh another thing GO RED SOX WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am soooo hyper! i stayed up like all night going crazy. go jacoby ellsbury, jon lester, and jonathan papelbon!!!

Anonymous said...

im sorry ur bored that should unbore you.... i like jason varitek kinda too...

Belle ♥ said...

ohmygod katherine! you didnt go to the dance..i was all sad! :[

Anonymous said...

yeah i no
so sad NOT
cuz i was lookin at redsox pics!

Belle ♥ said...

pshhhhh thanks, your definition of fun is deff different form mine katherine
sit with us at lunchie tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

i did already
jacoby ellsbury rocks!
google him and jon lester and jon papelbo and dustin pedroia and basicly the redsox!

Belle ♥ said...

it's not happening man

Anonymous said...

why why why?

but they're cute!
esp. well every1 on the redsox( excluding eric gagne who is hopefully leaving!)

Belle ♥ said...

god katherine, your so crazy!
thats why we love you though!

Anonymous said...

why thank you that's why in my class im jonathan papelbon(he is totallly crazy)

he's cute 2 !

Belle ♥ said...

you're who?
i'm confused
sit wit me at lunchie today please??

Anonymous said...

oh alana u dont no how cute jon lester is......