Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Your skirt looks like a MAXI-PAD!

That's how much we love Tim Gunn. That's the quote that we've used all day, and the response is "On yeah? Well, your bra looks like an ancient slingshot." Like I said, we love Tim!
So today was v. v. fun I suppose. Besides the whole, you know, ''school' part.
Art- Only 3 art classes left! Awww! Anyhoodle, I did the skirt and painted my person today. But she falls over with the head on...which is sort of a problem. Hey, I bet you didn't know that using grey makes something looks 'sophisticated' and 'like it was done by an older person.' Mhm it's soooo true.
History- We did our maps, only I was done so Hannah Elizabeth and I did health homework! Ohmigawd, fun right?? [Sarcasm, for those of you that didn't get that.] Then we talked about point[less/ful] history day!
Religion- We stared on out conversion plays. My group is so...nice. Let's go with nice. It's a good adjective. Then Edy attacked me, because I asked if anyone thought Joe Jonas looked like a chicken [Greta thought so]. More eventful than usual. Surprisingly.
Math- Math was...mathy. We got separated. It was all very psychologist-y. With a dash of guidance counselor.
Anyhoodle, Laura sent me this video and I love it!

Carry on...


Anonymous said...

i am surprised that you didnt mention that i like porn!

Belle ♥ said...

Well, it is true and I can add it if you want.

Anonymous said...

funnnn! Health!