Friday, December 28, 2007


Okay, right now my cat Blizz is having a spaz with a piece of my water bottle. Well, she just stopped but she was, it was making the table shake as we were eating breakfast.
Anyway, in the Wall Street Journal today [which, if you know me at all, my reading of the paper is strictly the comics, stuff about movies, and/or anything fashion related, so the chances of me reading the Wall Street Journal are so slim because it's always boring and business-y], and the only reason I picked it up was because Stephen Colbert was on the front. So it ended up being about the writers strike, and the shows starting again. The Colbert Report and The Daily Show [With Jon Stewart] are scheduled to return January 7th, with no writers, which put a big burden particularly on them. Strike rules say that they can't do the normal opening monologue, or plan the show out in advance. The producers of the shows are finding it hard to get celebrities to come onto the show as well, although David Letterman is supposedly having Donald Trump.
Anyhoodle, with hope that the show will be as smashing[I swear, something is wrong with me today. I just said smashing. I never say smashing!!]as ever, I have to go, because I have Gilmore Girls to watch.
Caio for now cuppycakes!!


Anonymous said...

'Smashing' hahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Colbert -- I'll bet he can do it off the cuff pretty well. Thanks for the bbusiness-y update.

WendyB said...

I'm glad something inspired you to pick up the Journal :-)