Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas Tree

Mom and I are doing the Christmas tree tonight! I love doing the tree because it looks really cute and its festive and tree-like. It gives a holiday spirit, which means that I'm not as sick of the Santa's around every corner. Not that that means I don't scream every time a Christmas carol comes on the radio, because I get sick of those quick.
Don't you hate it when people talk about you and you can hear them? Like, bad stuff? It really bugs me when they know you can hear them too. It's annoying and it makes you feel all bad, and you didn't mean to say anything to offend them. And not like, middle school gossip stuff, like your family talking about you. It happens, maybe your parents just aren't as obvious as mine. Lucky you.
xoxo, off on the guilt train! joy!


Anonymous said...

lovely i love christmas trees. of course(duh!) i love jacoby ellsbury more.....
oh my parents are a obvious as urs they always talk about me behind my back...
luv yas!

Belle ♥ said...

i don't feel so alone now!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha good thing
pray 4 jacoby he might get traded

Anonymous said...

Tree! you guys already have your Christmas tree?!! Wow. My parents are like that 2, like they think they're sooooo secretive.