I went to bed at like 1:30 this morning, because Mom and I were up all night watching Bones. And I'm so dead, and can't think of anything to write so I'm going to do this survey I found on someone else's blog. With changes though, so as not to plagiarize.[It's shortened though, because it's long.]
1. What’s your favorite children’s book?
Uhm...let's see, I'm going to go with OH! I don't know what it's called, but it's about this bear, and this cat, and it's cute.
2. What’s your favorite type of cake?
OHMIGAWDDD I love this cake that mom makes, it's like, all chocolate, all the way around. With chocolate chips on top. The only reason I don't have chocolate ice cream with it is because I think chocolate ice cream tastes yucky. But it really is the best cake ever!!
3. What is the last song you listened to?
Up The Junction, by Squeeze. It's really good, and Lily Allen did a cover of it, for Yahoo.
4. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, line 7 . Write down what it says- This made Pirates float better-something that was very useful to our ancestors, as they were sometimes without boats.
5. What are your 3 best qualities? Apparently, I have a fabulous sense of humor[even if people don't get it sometimes], I'm loyal, and...I'm stealthy!!
6. Do you think you're a kind person?
Uhm, I think so. I've been told I'm too nice, actually. I care about peoples feelings too much, which scares me, be cause it makes me sound like a guidance counselor, so I'm working on being meaner.
7. What color is your toothbrush?
I dunno, I can't find it.
8. What's your all-time favorite, most-repeated movie quote?
Hm. Well, a lot of my most repeated quotes have come out of Legally Blonde The Musical. Ones such as: "Some serious! Someone Lawyer-ly! Someone who wears black when nobody's dead!", "This is Harvard, not a stripper bar.", "It's like that couple from Titanic, only no one dies!", "I hate you Brooke! And I love you for it!!", "Bend and Snap!!", "Oh please, he's gay, totally gay!", "You've got the best frickin' shoes!", "And not we have two kids, and one more on the way..." And that's not all!!
9. What was your least favorite class in school?
ARG! The list could go on, and on, but I'm going to go with Math, Health/Gym, and Computers. And Science. And all the rest. Except ART because ART is my best friend.
10. What was the last thing that made you laugh uproariously?
Last night when Bones called Jesus a zombie. It went like this:
Booth: Catholics don't bring people back from the dead. Voodoo does, but we don't.
Bones: Jesus was reincarnated.
Booth: Jesus is not a zombie!!
11. Where were you when 9-11 happened?
School. I don't remember it though.
12. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I usually buy stuff from the vending machine with other people, so there are two people there. let's say it's Maggie. I will sun into it from the side, then Maggie would try to pull it over. Then we would kick it. Then, if none of that works, Maggie would go search for money in the choral room, and outside, and in the bathrooms, amazingly come up with 85 cents, and manage to get us 2 packages of Skittles. I would just like to state, that yes, Maggie is in fact amazing. She manages to get 2 dollars from 2 random high schoolers one time, without even really talking to them.
13. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
My celly, my iPod, my camera. I can talk to people while taking pictures while listening to music. I'm quite the multi-tasker.
14. Can you change the oil on a car?
I've never tried. Knowing me, I would end up spilling the oil into the trunk or something. So let's go with no.
15. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
'Give this heart <3
16. Do you like to cook?
I suppose if I got the chance, I would like to cook, but as it is right now, I'm always busy, and people don't trust me around ovens.
17. What shampoo/conditioner do you use?
It's Aussie, and apparently it smells quite good, because Amy always asks me what shampoo I use, because my hair smells fabulous.
18. What are you wearing?
Fabulous shoes. They are the only thing that matter, because they are SO cute!!
19. What kind of bear is best?
Bears are the number one threat to America, don't you know? [Pandas, I just got one for Christmas!!]
20. What’s the last book you finished?
I can't remember. Something...good. I remember reading it in the care on the way to Dad's house.
21. Do you like to dance?
Mae. No. Maggie swears I'm a good dancer, but I dunno.
22. What did you have for dinner last night
Pizza. Then Mom decided to go crazy and let us have lots of dessert.
23. What’s your favorite painting?
I can't find a picture of it, but it looks like the angel Gabriel flipping the virgin Mary off. I saw it in an old museum.
24. If you could have any hair in the world, what kind would you want?
Okay, so I love Audrey Kitching's hair, but you know, that wouldn't look good on me. If we're talking natural hair colours, then not-too-long deep red wavy hair. Well that took up a significant 30 minutes. Love you all, xoxoxo
Sunday, December 30, 2007
So Dead
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:16:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Art, Audrey Kitching, Aussie, Bones, Gabriel, Legally Blonde, Lily Allen, Maggie, Mom, Squeeze, Stephen Colbert, survey, Virigin Mary
Friday, December 28, 2007
Okay, right now my cat Blizz is having a spaz with a piece of my water bottle. Well, she just stopped but she was, it was making the table shake as we were eating breakfast.
Anyway, in the Wall Street Journal today [which, if you know me at all, my reading of the paper is strictly the comics, stuff about movies, and/or anything fashion related, so the chances of me reading the Wall Street Journal are so slim because it's always boring and business-y], and the only reason I picked it up was because Stephen Colbert was on the front. So it ended up being about the writers strike, and the shows starting again. The Colbert Report and The Daily Show [With Jon Stewart] are scheduled to return January 7th, with no writers, which put a big burden particularly on them. Strike rules say that they can't do the normal opening monologue, or plan the show out in advance. The producers of the shows are finding it hard to get celebrities to come onto the show as well, although David Letterman is supposedly having Donald Trump.
Anyhoodle, with hope that the show will be as smashing[I swear, something is wrong with me today. I just said smashing. I never say smashing!!]as ever, I have to go, because I have Gilmore Girls to watch.
Caio for now cuppycakes!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:47:00 am 3 comments
Labels: Blizzard, David Letterman, Donald Trump, Gilmore Girls, Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Wall Street Journal
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Colbie Caillat&Other Stuff
I absolutely lovelovelove this CD. I got it for Debbie for Christmas, and it's really good. I'm deff downloading it to my iPod. It's a happy CD. Makes me smile, even thought I know that is a totally cheesy. It's really shiztasticly drastically good though.
Other fabby CDs:
Squeeze-Squeeze Singles
Alicia Keys-As I Am
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:20:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Alicia Keys, Colbie Caillat, Paramore, Squeeze
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Boxing Day. I hope you have fun...uh...boxing?? Or whatever you are supposed to do today.
I'm so glad we don't have to go back to school until next Wednesday. Because I deff need time off from school. I've been sleeping so late, and I never sleep late. Or fall out of bed in the morning. Which I did today. But that isn't the point.
So one of my Christmas presents was tickets to Rent, on January 19th. We have, like, the best seats in the place, they are the front row of the balcony. Fabulous, right?? And, I don't know that much about it, but I want to see it. Mom says it's making up for the whole Legally Blonde thing. But it looks good, and I do want to see it.
Anyhoodle, I'm going to Dad's today and I'm going to be there through Saturday.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:25:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Dad, Mom, Rent, sleeping late
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Day
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:53:00 am 2 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Kwanzaa!!
On window panes, the icy frost
Leaves feathered patterns, crissed & crossed,
But in our house the Christmas tree
Is decorated festively
With tiny dots of colored light
That cozy up this winter night.
Christmas songs, familiar, slow, Play softly on the radio.
Pops and hisses from the fire Whistle with the bells and choir.
My tiger is now fast asleep On his back and dreaming deep.
When the fire makes him hot, He turns to warm whatever's not.
Propped against him on the rug, I give my friend a gentle hug.
Tomorrow's what I'm waiting for, But I can wait a little more.
[A Calvin and Hobbes Christmas Poem]
Belated Hanukkah
[Sung by Adam Sandler]
Happy Kwanzaa, Too.[Oh look! It's that little bald boy! Who is, like 6! He bugs me!!]
XOXOXO I love you all!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:14:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Calvin and Hobbes, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:19:00 pm 3 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I feel like
Well, actually I feel really happy. And kind of like I'm going to puke. But that last part could just be from all the fudge and grapes yesterday.
OHMIGAWDDDD! New Fred video. I have to go watch it until I've memorized some of the lines
xoxoxo bye!!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:19:00 am 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Today I did...
...absolutely nothing at all. Well, I watched TV, I guess. Gilmore Girls, which I can see why Leena and Ashley love and Scrubs, which is strangely addictive. Then we watched Bones.

Despite the fact that he has a reversible Batman cape and an old west type hat, and that stripes don't look good on anyone, I love him too.

It's so gangsta

Like that song...only about global warming and not Mims.

Mr. Stephen Colbert taught me this, that the Number One Threat to America is Bears. Rawr.

If you don't get this...well, I'm not even going to bother to explain.

Some vampires are just good[like Angel]...so don't go pro-garlic, it kills

I absolutely love this shirt even though the shoes were stolen from Nessa and stealing is one of the 10 commandments. [ie, It's bad.]

This shirt could not be more true. Like see that thing about the 10 commandments up there? I wasn't even payed to do that. It just comes naturally. Cause me and God are tight.

I ♥LOVE♥ this shirt. So much. How could you not??

Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:08:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Ashley, Gilmore Girls, God, Kathleen, t-shirts
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Amazingly cute...
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:11:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Shana Logic
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Calvin and Hobbes poem
My hands were all shaky, my face had gone pale.
A letter from Santa just arrived in the mail!!
It was hand-written in old-fashioned ink pen.
It was handsomely printed and dated twelve ten
"Dear Calvin" it said, "I'm writing because
This year I've replaced my 'naughty/nice' laws.
So now I urge you: be vulgar and crude!
I like it when children are boorish and rude!
Burp at the table! Gargle your peas!
Never say 'thank you,' 'you're welcome,' or 'please.'
Talk back to your mother! Don't do as you're told!
Stick your tongue out at your Dad if he scolds!
Drive everyone crazy, I really don't care!
Act like a jerk, anytime, anywhere!
I'm changing the rules! The bad boys and girls
Will be, from now on, the ones who get toys!
Good little kids make me sick, it's no joke.
Sincerely, Signed Santa"...And the I awoke.
I hate being good [or trying to fake it],
Six days until Christmas! I don't think I'll make it.
In other news....
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:50:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Calvin and Hobbes, Lily Allen
Off to Target...
So Mom and I are off to Target to buy prezzies for all my lovely bestie friends! And I'm posting from Mom's Blackberry, which I'm soooo happy I can log in on it. Anyhoodle, Mom needs to e-mail people. Harumph. After Target it's home to study for religion and math. Joy, right? Yeah, psh, no!
Caio for now dahlings
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:29:00 pm 3 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I feel so mistrusted!
Mom told he that when she got back to her office from the party and saw she had a message from school, me, and Nana, she was like 'ohmigod.'
She thought I spilled the mercury and I was in trouble.
I was like 'What???'
How offensive is that??
V. v. don't you think?
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:24:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: mercury spill, Mom, Nana
Today was ohmigawd!!!
Wait until you hear-or maybe you already did, because it was on the RADIO BABY!! Oh yeah!!
Anyway, so we had one exam today, on 4 [because it was 2-4] and there was a FIRE DRILL. At the beginning of the history exam. So on the one hand, why do it at the beginning of the exam, but on the other hand the nurse wasn't like, moving to leave. So we couldn't figure out what was going on. We all [except for high school] went out to the gym and sat there. A little while later they told us that there was one of those old thermometers, the kind with mercury in it, you know? And the nurse dropped it on the floor. Our exam is going to be when we get back from vacation, and we can't go back in the building to get out stuff. Thats right, its December, our coats are in there, some people have iPods, cellys, and a key to their house thats inside there. Also, some people had their books for their exams tomorrow in there. I had my purse but some people were so mad, because they didn't have theirs. And apparently, this spill thing happened two hours before we evacuated, and it's quite obvious that the principal went back into the building because she was wearing a coat, to rub it in everyones face that didn't have one, that she wasn't wearing before. So people did the following things to make up for all this:
Laura called the tip line for NBC10.
Amy was fake-hyperventilating.
Lizzie was being surprised.
Hannah Elizabeth was attempting to high-five with people.
Greta was busy tying to get her shoes back, since people kept taking them off.
Emily was yelling at the fourth graders.
I, on the other hand was convinced that the ghost of Anna-Nicole Smith was harassing us, and kept shouting 'STOP IT Anna-Nicole!!'
So we must continue with life. Without coats, without books, exams tomorrow [English and Spanish], the ghost of Anna-Nicole Smith still haunting us. *Sigh.*
Ah well! Laura is here and we have some Spanish to study.
[That's right, we are so going to pass.] [Not!]
These are Greta's pretty shoes, that everyone loves and that I desperately want. ♥
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:28:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Amy, Anna-Nicole Smith, Emily, Greta, Hannah Elizabeth, Laura, Lizzie, mercury spill, NBC10, radio, shoes
Monday, December 17, 2007
Awww sweetie...
Don't do it, please. You can't handle this now. Really.
Guess what? Britney Spears may be getting married again. Show of hands, who thinks this is not what she needs??? Everyones hand should be going up right now, okay? Like, what if she has more kids? K-Fed is threatening to take a restraining order out against Sam Lutfi, whom she might be marrying so that he can't see the kids, to get full custody.
More here and here.
History studying
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:25:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Britney Spears, K-Fed, Sam Lufti
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Birthday!!!
To Amy, who's birthday is today.
And to Alana, who's birthday is December 18th.
And also here to give you my deal sentence, sorry, exam schedule, for this week.
Wednesday-English and Spanish
Thursday-Religion and Math
Friday-NO SCHOOL!!! Providing there's not a snow day. Only week of the year when you don't want snow.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:42:00 pm 3 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tin Man!
So, we finished watching Tin Man last night and ohmigawd, ohmigawd you guys, I absolutely love it!! Zooey Deschanel, Emily Deschanel's [Temperance Brennan, from Bones] sister stars in it along with Alan Cummings, Richard Dreyfuss, Neal McDonough and Kathleen Robertson.
Main Characters, from the left: Glitch, DG, Tin Man, Raw, and Azkadellia.
So it's set in the future if you are going by Wizard of Oz/Wicked standards, because Dorothy is DG's great-great-great-great-grandmother or something like that. [DG, Dorothy Gale, get it?] Anyway, if you go here, it's the official website, and maybe it will say if it is playing again. Because, if it is, you deff have to see it. Especially if you liked Wicked because I think you might like this too.
Adios, xoxo
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:31:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Alan Cummings, Kathleen Robertson, Neal McDonough, Richard Dreyfuss, Tin Man, Wicked, Wizard of Oz, Zoe Deschanel
Friday, December 14, 2007
A note from my black hole of exam doom:
Exams suck. Do I really, honestly need to know the formula for respiration?
Um let's see....
And there is snow outside I could be playing in.
Don't let the exams get you down...
It's too late for me, but save yourself!
Muah muah muah, back to the books.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:09:00 pm 2 comments
No school today!
So it's a professional day! I love professional days, even if I'm not sure what they are...
But that doesn't matter because it's like intense exam study time. In case you have exams too, heres something to help you with your Spanish exam!!
Hope that helps!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:44:00 am 0 comments
Labels: exams, professional day
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The is finally SNOW! I highly doubt it was enough to catch up to Wisconsin yet but, hey it was enough to get us out of school at 12:30!! Everyone was FLIPPING OUT we were so happy! We didn't have lunch so we all went to buy food before health and be were all eating unhealthy food there. It was really funny. In science I kept getting up and pretending to look for tissues so I could look out the window to see how much snow we had. Then I would jump around and be like 'YEAH!!' The downside is that it took us like two hours to get home on the bus! It was very stressful. Hehe!
So, on the SciFi channel the other day, they showed this three part thing called Tin Man. It's like, this 'what if' sort of modern day play on The Wizard of Oz. Let me tell you right now, it's addictive. It's six hours long because they spread it out for four days and I watched about 4 hours straight of it until mom was like 'STOP!' I really like it, I can't wait to see the rest.
Tonight is the last night and then...major crackdown for exams EVEN THOUGH there is snow outside. Mae.
Snaps for me!! I give people socks!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:56:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: snow, socks, Tin Man, Wicked, Wisconsn, Wizard of Oz
Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn
This song is the best right now. I absolutely love it, it's my ring tone. Hellogoodbye is my favorite band right now so...Enjoy!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:03:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Hellogoodbye
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My printer won't let me print the whole thing for the Spanish practice exam. Mae.
Since I'm doing Spanish homework, here is a lovely picture of a zebra for you to look at. He's Spanglish.
Isn't he adorable?? Yes, he is. Anyway, I'm off to see if french fries are a fruit. [It's the next question on the practice test.]
Smooches, byee!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:30:00 pm 2 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas is soon and ARG
It's a stressful season. It really is. With the presents and you don't know who's gonna get you one. It's all a big travesty. But it doesn't matter, because I'm Kwansaneise. So BAM!
Now, if you will excuse me I have to go watch Earl break out of jail, while eating sour jelly beans. Yum.
"Auf Wiedersehen" As Heidi says!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:58:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Heidi Klum, Kwansaneise, My Name is Earl
Monday, December 10, 2007
Okay, so exams are next week and I'm really scared. Yeah. Here's my status.
Science: So scared. This is in my top three.
History: Pretty good. I know the stuff pretty well.
English: Know this stuff. Yeah.
Spanish: Also in my top three. nervous about this one. We didn't have this exam last year.
Religion: Gasp. I pretty much know this. I'll just read through scripture a couple of times or so...
Math: The third and final in my top three. Most of it I know but still...it's math!
So, yeah, school is blah, so not loving it.
Smooches, bye!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:19:00 pm 5 comments
Labels: exams
Friday, December 07, 2007
Calvin and Hobbes!
This is Calvin and Hobbes. They are anything and everything they want to be. They can time travel, transmogrify, duplicate, become smarter and have their own club, called G.R.O.S.S. [Get Rid Of Slimy girlS.] Together they ambush Susie, who is in Calvin's class, wreck havoc while their babysitter, Rosalyn is put to the test, face bullies like Moe, who beats Calvin up, hand the planet over to two aliens, Galaxoid and Nebular, in exchange for a leaf project and a lot more. Calvin's alter egos are Spaceman Spiff [an explorer of the galaxy], Tracer Bullet [a detective], and Stupendous Man [a super hero]. He can create fabulous snowmen and thinks of them as works of art. Hobbes is very philosophical, and pro-tiger all the way. To anyone else but Calvin he appears to be a stuffed tiger, but he is so much more than that.
Calvin is 6 years old and in first grade. He's probably failing, or close to it, but he's the smartest 6 year old I've ever met.
Hobbes is the most philosophical tiger one could ever hope to meet, despite the fact that he'll probably want a sandwich to two along the way.
You've gotta love Calvin and Hobbes!
[All credits to the great Bill Watterson, who writes the Calvin and Hobbes comic.]
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To Dave and Stephanie!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:13:00 pm 13 comments
Labels: Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes, Dave, Steph
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Caroline's A Victim
Caroline's A Victim, by Kate Nash.
Cute, funky, quirky.
Listen, love it.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:19:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Kate Nash
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
That was my 'number' in health. 2.4, so yeah, today was kinda blahh!
Homeroom-Ran around like a cah-ray-zee [I like syllables!] person!
Spanish-Learned about...Plurals stuff! And yummy stuff. Yummy bananas and hamburgers.
Health-OH BOY DO I HAVE A SHOCKER FOR YOU GUYS!!!! Health was fun,
Science- Worked on the kids. Our peoples names are Matthew and Elle and the kids names are Freddie, Buffy, Delilah, Stephen, Edward, and Jack. I love them all! Except for Edward.
English-Did A Christmas Carrol. I was the narrator. I read things such as 'Thunder crashed in the distance.' I was fabulous! Hehe.
After school-Made flowers, had cake, cleaned coffee pots, talked about trees, gave people middle names, used blackmail, went blind, fell over, distracted people, drooled over hot chocolate, knocked on doors, and gestured at by a cleaning lady on her birthday.
You can never have too much fun. Ever.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:42:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Buffy, Christmas Carrol, Delilah, drug plays, Edward, Elle, Freddie, Health, heroin, Jack, Matthew, Paramore, Stephen
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Christmas Carrol at school today was really good. I liked it a lot. Maggie, and Leena and other people were in it and they all did a fabulous job! It was fun, you know, checking out people eyebrows, seeing who had a British accent and who didn't, noticing the acne on the turkey...[That would be Taylor!]
This is my Christmas Tree! Isn't it pretty! Its all lit up and it this pretty spot in out living room.
Look at the tree! What a beautiful tree!
And this is my favorite toy from the Island of Misfit Toys! I never got what was wrong with him, I mean, he's extremely cute!
Ta-ta for now!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:30:00 pm 5 comments
Labels: Christmas Carrol, Christmas tree, Island of Misfit Toys, Kathleen, Maggie, Taylor
Way too early.
Christmas Carrol production today!
So we're missing classes!!
Anyhoodle, breakfast!
gossip girl
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:22:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Christmas Carrol
Monday, December 03, 2007
Christmas Tree
Mom and I are doing the Christmas tree tonight! I love doing the tree because it looks really cute and its festive and tree-like. It gives a holiday spirit, which means that I'm not as sick of the Santa's around every corner. Not that that means I don't scream every time a Christmas carol comes on the radio, because I get sick of those quick.
Don't you hate it when people talk about you and you can hear them? Like, bad stuff? It really bugs me when they know you can hear them too. It's annoying and it makes you feel all bad, and you didn't mean to say anything to offend them. And not like, middle school gossip stuff, like your family talking about you. It happens, maybe your parents just aren't as obvious as mine. Lucky you.
xoxo, off on the guilt train! joy!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:01:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: Christmas tree
Saturday, December 01, 2007
So its....December 1st! I just realized that! Rahh! 24 days until Christmas!!!
From what I can tell there is terrible wind out side and *hopefully* snow soon! Anyway, see the little picture up there? I absolutely love that movie! Its called The Nightmare Before Christmas and its really cute.
So...happy December! xoxox
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:18:00 am 6 comments
Labels: Christmas, Nightmare Before Christmas