Okay, so Cara had to go to the hospital Saturday, because she was shaking, and not acting like herself at all. So we took her over to Angell and they had her stay overnight with an IV. Dad and I went to visit her today and she seemed better but they wanted her to stay over again so she can take some sort of x-ray tomorrow. She's really a lot better than she was Saturday night, then she was really bad. I got really scared because, well, you know, with the cancer you never know what is going to happen. I mean, she's had it for about 2 years now, and she has done really great but still...
[She usually looks a lot perkier. This is her Saturday afternoon.]
Hoping she gets better,xoxoxox
I hope she's better very soon! Poor sweetie!
Best wishes to cara!!!!!!!!
Thanks you guys!!!
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