Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sure As Hell Didn't See That One Coming [Chapter 9, Book 2]

I am done done done! Actually I finished like 25 minutes ago, but whatever. I know what happens. I know who Bella chooses and who Jacob ends up with and that Edward is really good at making eggs. And although I am absolutely DYING to talk to someone about it, but I am a nice person [sometimes anyway] and therefore I am waiting maximum two weeks before a do a Breaking Dawn post. If you haven't read it by then, well then obviously you didn't want to know that bad anyway or you would have finished. But I'm really happy with the way it turns out. Soooooooo in the mean time just go read it, because I'll sound like an idiot if I tell you about it and you have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm sad though. That was the last book in the Twilight series. Ahh we just have to wait for Midnight Sun :]
It has come to my attention, that the fabulous Frenche has gone out and bought Twilight because I convinced her. She could not be more amazing.
Also, thank you to the many various people who were on Team Edward, even though they had not the slightest idea what I was talking about, because they had never read the books.

Thanks for enduring whenever I was like 'AHHHHH thats like when Bella....' and random Edward quotes. Ahaha whenever I shouted 'EDWARD CULLEN PREFERS BRUNETTES, YOU'RE SO JELLY' you were just like 'I PREFER BRUNETTES' so you guys are amazing. [Lizzie, Rainer, Frenche (Even though for a moment there Frenche was like 'I wanna be on the bad guy's side!' She's totally Team Edward.) and Alana you guys are great.



Anonymous said...

I PREFER BRUNETTES AND U KNO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ehmagawd i cant believe u can't text!!! it's very sad :( cuz i wanna talk about it tooooooo... but i'm not done yet i have like 50 pages left but w/e. can u go on AIM?