The ususal.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:18:00 pm 3 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
What's Not To Adore?
Trouble. ^ So good. Lizzie showed it to me. It's really amazing.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:58:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Jasmine, Lizzie, NeverShoutNever
Catching Up
Happy birthday Hayley Williams [lead singer of Paramore].
And because I missed so many birthday posts...
Happy birthday Amy, Alana, and Rian Dawson [the drummer or All Time Low].
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:42:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Alana, All Time Low, Amy, Hayley Williams, Paramore, Rian Dawson
Friday, December 26, 2008
I'm Not One For Love Songs
Mall today.
Delia's gift card. =]
&& PACSUN too !
And Target, but they don't have one in this mall.
Update later.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:23:00 am 2 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Addicted <3
It's pretty fun.
And listening to Addicted, by Saving Abel.
And he's bowling now.
He wants me to add how it's on his iPod.
I have no idea what that means, but he sounds happy about it.
He needs to pull his pants up.
He's weird.
His sister, Jessica, kills him at night, with a feather and a glass starfish.
She loves Selena Gomez.
I told her that Miley Cyrus was fun too.
We're watching a Panic! At The Disco music video now.
He's getting mad at me now.
I'm "going to make him cry."
So I'll update later.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 3:30:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Jessica, Miley Cyrus, Panic At The Disco, Saving Abel, Selena Gomez, Steven
Didn't Get A Damn Thing From My Christmas List
The Maine never disappoints.
'Santa Stole My Girlfriend' from their new EP '...And A Happy New Year.'
My favorite Christmas song.
I want this EP so bad.
There's three other Christmas songs on it, and although I usually don't like them, The Maine is too amazing to pass up.
Merry Christmas day. Hope it's nice.
I'll try to update later.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:42:00 am 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Please, Don't Mind What I'm Trying To Say Because I'm, I'm Being Honest
Emily & yoga today.
Emily makes me think and yoga give me too much time to think about too much.
She says I have to use “I statements” and so I was thinking about that in yoga.
And I came up with way to much, in no order.
But here’s what some of it was.
I’m a mess.
I’m totally scatterbrained.
I can’t remember things.
If something happens I’ll have to think about it for a long time before addressing it.
I’ll worry about it indefinitely.
I’ll think “what if…” a lot, and that makes me worry even more.
If something happens and it’s my fault, I’ll feel absolutely terrible about it.
If something happens that’s not really my fault, I’ll find a way to look at it so that it is.
That’s a bad habit, like biting my nails, but I keep doing it.
I know it’s bad, and that people might take advantage of it, but I trust people too much.
I only really, really trust about 5 or 6 people.
I’d only tell anything to about 3 of them.
I only trust one of them more than anything.
I cry far too much.
I don’t like crying in front of people, at all.
I have cried in front of people that I wouldn’t have chosen to cry in front of.
There are 2 people I’d cry in front of anytime.
Sometimes I cry over things that people think are stupid.
I cry when I watch Rent.
But I don’t think that’s a stupid reason, no matter what anyone else says.
I hold things in.
But I’ll be honest with almost anyone, as long as they me to be.
It’s not that I lie to people.
It’s just if I don’t feel like taking about something, or I can’t talk about it I’ll brush it off.
But if someone asks me to be honest, I will be.
I don’t know how to say things some of the time.
I won’t know how to put what I’m feeling into words.
And sometimes I can’t, and that makes me really frustrated.
Especially when it makes someone else think that I don’t want to tell them.
Then I just feel bad, because of course that’s not true.
Hugs always make me feel better.
Hugs are best if the person you’re hugging is about the same size as you.
As in height, and they can’t be too thin or too heavy.
I like hugging tall people though, second best.
I don’t like being alone anymore.
I used to, but I like being with people better now.
That makes me feel incredibly silly and insecure and dependent.
I hatehatehate feeling that way.
But I do.
So I can’t stand being alone.
I feel better if I’m with someone who makes me happy.
I love these people.
Someone who, when I’m with them, it seems like everything bad goes away.
The littlest and silliest things make me happy.
Mercy Spice and Christian Holiano?
Popsicles? Especially raspberry?
They seem really silly, and people laugh.
(And call me a second grader.) =]
But these things make me smile, like a clever verse from one of my favorite songs.
I live off music.
Songs help me get through anything bad that happens.
I can have one line from one song stuck in my head that will repeat over and over, or a whole song that I’ve heard so many times it’s memorized, but either way, having something stuck in my head makes me feel stronger.
CDs are amazing.
Performances can be either fabulous or terrible.
They don’t sound the same as CDs.
Hearing something live is the absolute best though, because you can feel the bass from the song, and it’s so loud.
It goes right through you.
It seems like too much at first, but it’s really incredible.
I’m not sure how to finish this off, really, because this all seems so…unlike me.
But I was being totally honest through out the whole thing.
So, please, don’t mind what I’m trying to say, because I’m, I’m being honest.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:37:00 pm 5 comments
Labels: Cartel, Christian Holiano, Emily, In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Mercy Spice, My Little Pony, Pinkie Pie, Popsicle, Rent, yoga
Monday, December 22, 2008
I Can't Even Think Of a Suitible Title For This.
I'm sick of this.
Of all of it.
Of so many people.
Of all the stuff it's caused.
Of all the things people have said.
Of everything that's come of it.
And I don't understand some of it.
And it seems like no one gets that.
And some of it just makes me so upset.
of course not.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:27:00 pm 11 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Metro Station, Phantom Planet
Monday, December 15, 2008
I hate studying.
I also hate all this.
It's like...Dramafest.
Only real.
I kinda just want everyone to go away.
Well, not everyone.
But some people, yeah.
I have to go study for science now.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:19:00 am
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Yoga & God
Maggie loves yoga.
And God.
And looking up books about poo.
Ahahaha she's crazy.
Sorry I haven't updated in so long...
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:43:00 am 2 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
I Said Enough, I'm Letting Go
There is absolutely nothing like powerpop electronica music to make you feel like nothing can ruin you.
This is not true.
A lot of things ruin you.
But it's nice to feel like nothing could.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:58:00 pm 8 comments
Labels: 3OH3, Chris Crocker, Hollywood Undead, Jeffree Star, Millionaires, The Medic Droid
You Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve && Threw Mine To The Sky
I need Whisper War.
I think it will be amazing.
And I can't wait to buy it.
Some of their songs:
I'll Run
Take My Hand
They are all really good.
But really, I think about everyone is named Alex. There are three Alex's in The Cab alone. Alex DeLeon, Alex Johnson, and Alex Marshall. [The other two members are Cash Colligan and Ian Crawford.] And then, there's Alex Gaskarth [All Time Low] and Alex Greenwald [Phantom Planet]. And Alex Evans. And then there's Katay's Alex, and Emma's too.
Too many.
But I really do adore The Cab.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:37:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Alex, Alex DeLeon, Alex Evans, Alex Gaskarth, Alex Greenwald, Alex Johnson, Alex Marshall, All Time Low, Cash Colligan, Emma, Ian Crawford, Katie, The Cab
Monday, December 01, 2008
Don't call me and tell me not to put that.
Because it mostly did.
Homeroom- People made fun of my voice. I gave Katay her present! Lizzie made me a Twilight shirt, and it is SO cute. I found out we had health, so I ran around frantically to finish my homework. As much as Macy has told me I sound like a smoker and a guy and my voice is weird, she always helps me and thank god.
Health- My number was a negative 3. My eyes were watering so I was like, crying. Mrs Cummings sent me to the nurse, who made me swallow a pill and gave me a breakfast bar. She's pointless. Lizzie was amazed because in the video we watched, the guy was killed when she was one day old. We tried on drunk goggles. Emily's a good drunk. =]
Spanish- I cried some more. Also made some weird noises. Talked about food with Julia.
Lunch- I don't remember. . India commented on how she wished some people would stay away. I agreed.
English- SISTER P SUBBED! I LOVE HER. We didn't really do anything though. I used a lot of tissues.
Study- She made us read for like, an hour. Really unfair. I had to go to the library, but she never told us when we could switch, so I couldn't. I kept putting my head down though. Too tired.
So I kinda used about a million tissues and cried the whole day. A lot of people hugged me. And some people were all, "You sound funny." Or "I think you're sick."
Everyone is so observant.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:16:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Dad, Emily, India, Julia, Katie, Lizzie, Macy, Mrs Cummings, Sick, Sister P, Twilight
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Music <3
Everything from Photobucket. Random lines from random songs.
^Fscene8 - The Medic Droid
^Love Story - Taylor Swift
^Give Me Anything - The Maine
^That's What She Said - Friday Night Boys
Tired. Long day. I'll blog about it later.
I sound like a smoker, and everyone makes fun of me for it *cough* Macy and Dave *cough*.
So I guess I'm kinda sick?
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:15:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Dave, Friday Night Boys, Macy, Metro Station, Taylor Swift, The Maine, The Medic Droid
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I was supposed to be at Nana's 8 minutes ago.
Ahh well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Maybe I'll change shoes?
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:02:00 pm 2 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hey, its Elise, Alana's sister (!!!) here at her house, and she is randomly screaming "LET ME SEE YAH HIPS SWING!" she went to get food!! Her phone is ringing!! Oh Dakota!!!!
Hello, it's Kristi, Alana's cousin! Ugh! Alana's phone is ringing all the time!!! Anyway, we came here on Tuesday. Gav is reading the lightning thief, an awesome book!!
Erright, it's Alana now, and Kristi and I are trying this horrible candy that sticks to your teeth. Ugh. Elise and Kristi keep commenting on my deodorant...which is kinda weird, actually. You know, it occurs to me that a lot of people are sick lately and I just wanted to say FEEL BETTER! So I hope everyone that's sick, including Elise, who just coughed on me. (No, I did not.) Yes, you did too.
Now they're hearing things. Wonderful.
Anyways, we should probably be getting back to Nana's soon. Before they all go deaf.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:35:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: A Rocket To The Moon, Alana Richelle, Elise, Gavin, Kristi, Nana, Sick
Busy Like a Bee !
Everyone is here!
[Evan, Elise, Kristi, Auntie Lori, and Uncle Kirk.]
We are spending a majority of our time at Nana and Papa's house.
Auntie Kim and Gav are coming over later. And we are probably going to see Twilight later with everyone.
Again. =]
Bella's doing good, she's so quiet, but she's really cute.
Anyways, Elise wants to paint her toenails, so I have to go bring her nail polish.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:16:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Auntie Kim, Auntie Lori, Bella, Elise, Evan, Gavin, Kristi, Nana, Papa, Twilight, Uncle Kirk
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Things I Hate
I hate Science fair.
I hate science homework.
I hate science class.
I hate science. Period.
I hate people who are too tall.
I hate people who don't smile enough.
I hate people who wear stupid patterned sweaters all the time.
I hate people who are too ridiculously skinny.
I hate people who can't have one decent pair of cute shoes and always wear the same stupid boots every day.
I hate people who are miserable.
I hate people who ruin my day just by seeing them.
I hate people who need to just lighten up.
I hate people who are just mean.
Maybe just one person.
Oh well.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:24:00 am 6 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Science Fair, shoes
Monday, November 24, 2008
She's 16, and she's got 6 toes on each foot !
Today. Was pretty much uneventful.
I did homework in study.
I attempted to do robotics in computer. Not really, I just asked Katay for help a lot. She told me about theater. Hehe. Emily's hair looked pretty. Talked to Julia. Tested stuff with Emma. Found a book about waffles with Lizzie. <3
Lunch was whatever.
In Spanish we watched a movie about Spain. I almost fell asleep but Amanda made sure I was awake. Then we had to do some weird Thanksgiving word thing. Ashley and I were SO amazing at that. Ahahaha, not really.
In English we worked on stories.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Know How To Say Cake In Hebrew =]
Yesterday was extremely fun!
I went to go see Twilight with Maggie, Mary. It was still amazing. Still bloody at the end. Still said the lines before they were said on screen. Still wished they made it longer. Oh well. =]
Then Maggie and I went to the mall and they got their hair straightened, and I got mine curled. By H! Who is going into the army, is from Israel, and speaks Hebrew. Their hair looked so pretty, though, and apparently I looked like a princess in mine.
We love those glasses. And you can't really see any of our hair, but that's okay.
After that Maggie and I bought some pretzels, got pulled over for speeding by a mall cop, and talked about recycling.
We went to Felini's for dinner. Maggie loved it. We learned to say no to drugs, and were told we had correct information. I don't really remember. We sent to Curiosities and met Jimmy! And his dog Aggie, who is so cute. Wendy, his wife, wasn't there though. Ahaha, Jimmy was so nice, in case you couldn't tell. He's going to Oregon next week!
But then, we went to go see Cast B of ACT do High School Musical! Finally, and they were so amazing! Katay wears lots of plaid, and argyle, and sweater vests, [FOUR were used in the whole production] but that's okay! Tori had cute jeans, Sam yelled a lot. Chessy was brilliant with the microphone thing, and Emily was really good too. Hayley was super good, and Ana was too. Pretty much everyone was. I had a cupcake. That was yummy. Maggie refused to give Marco a hug. I knew I loved her. Ahahaha, of course I do. =] I gave Conor a hug, because he sat right next to Maggie and I, and was very amused by us. You could tell by the way he kept laughing. Not even while the show was going on, just by us being us. But he was very nice, and he let me give him a hug. There was also a kid we sat near that had blue hair, who's name, we found out, was Adam. He was nice too, a bit surprised and scared looking. But he also let me give him a hug. Ahahaha, I hugged about everyone there. But sadly, we finally had to leave.
We went to Nana's to see Bella, her new dog, who I don't have a picture of yet. She's so adorable, and I promise, I'll get a picture soon.
I have to decide what to wear now.
♥ xxoo
Late, I know. The Woodie awards were on November 19th this year, and there were some really good performances and winners, and definite unfairness for the people who should've won but didn't.
Paramore won Woodie of the Year which I was happy about, because they were my first choice! So good for them! They really are amazing.
There For Tomorrow won the Breaking Woodie, which you know, whatever, good for them. But All Time Low fersure should've won. Fersure. But you know, All Time Low got to preform two songs, and There For tomorrow did none, so HAH.
Poppin' Champagne ^
Dear Maria, Count Me In ^
Jack's Mannequin won for the Good Woodie, which was for the artist or band who's commitments to social causes made the biggest difference. The lead singer of Jack's Mannequin, Andrew McMahon, is a leukemia survivor, and raised awareness and money for cancer research.
There were other categories as well, but I favored people in these three, so these three are the only three I'm posting on.
Congratulations to everyone who won!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:44:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: All Time Low, Andrew McMahon, cancer, Jack's Mannequin, Paramore, There For Tomorrow, Woodie
16 !
To avoid Comments have been disabled.
*cough cough* Edy *cough cough*
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:38:00 am
Labels: Edy, Miley Cyrus
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Nothing has happened.
School. Is. Terrible.
-I want to just say "KEEP IT POSITIVE, JAKE." Because. Well. You know.
-I've discovered most of the 6th and 7th graders are absolutely no fun at all. [Except for Sophie, and India, and Claire, because I love them.]
-Emily has tried to have me tell her what happens in New Moon.
-Macy keeps calling me and pretending to be someone else.
-Katay's hair looks really pretty when she wears it down.
I have no idea what else.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
There is no possible way
For me to explain how excited I am right now.
There are TWO days.
And I can't wait.
[From left to right: Alice, Emmett, Bella, Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper.
Ahaha. That was weird.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:55:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Alice Cullen, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Twilight
I am exhausted.
When we got to the was boring. I sat on the floor with Macy. They did the presentation. Everyone grumbled when they had to turn around. Then when you got to the part of the tour where you had to walk around I was standing with Taylor, right near this random couple. And the guy was like massaging the girls neck and we found it really really funny.Then we went to the gift shop. We took the best picture! Macy, Taylor, Maggie, and I were all wearing the craziest hats. We look AMAZING. Jordyn tried to decide whether to buy earrings or not. Frenche gave me these weird chocolate things. They weren't all that good. Hannah got taffy or something like that.
Then we went back to the visitors center. We were supposed to watch a video about the history of Salem or something like that, but I didn't want to watch it, I wanted to fall asleep. It didn't have much to do with Salem. It had to do with like, fish. And boats, and shoes. [Ugly shoes.]
After that, we were supposed to get on the bus to go back home. But the buses were like half an hour late. It was raining. And I was so hungry, and so tired, and I didn't want to deal with all of it. Elizah gave me some of Hannah's taffy, which helped. It was green and I think it tasted good, I can't remember. I kept leaning on people who were my height. They were real nice about it, they didn't care much.
Finally the buses came, thank god. Macy still called me. I was so tired, I was just kinda loopy. I was laying down, and you know, if you had to sleep on a coach bus, it wouldn't be that uncomfortable. I don't remember what happened at all. Lizzie took my glasses. And my phone. Kelly and Amanda were too curious. I have no idea. But it was lots and lots of fun.
Sorrry this is so late.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:42:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Abbey, All Time Low, Amanda, Elizah, Ellie, Frenche, Hannah, Hannah Montana, Jordyn, Kelly, Lizzie, Macy, Maggie, Mrs V, Salem, Taylor, tired
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Jas <3
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:10:00 pm 2 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Gee that sure screams “secret boyfriend” to me! Lol!!!
Right now. I am with. MAGGIE CARA!
And we are listening to Legally Blonde. And she is dancing around and singing.
What else is new?
And now shes doing yoga. Slash Irish step dancing.
She wants to go play a board game now. =]
We played Life.
And watch Mariah Carey on Cribs.
I have to do a blog about last weekend now.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:34:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Legally Blonde, Maggie, Mariah Carey
I Can't Come Up with Titles Anymore
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:50:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Adriana
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It is ridiculously cold out.
I hate school.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:00:00 am 1 comments
Labels: school
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I saw a girl on a stretcher. And an ambulance and a firetruck. She passed out on the floor.
And um. Lunch was intense.
Uh. Amy sucked the helium out of Lizzie's balloon.
Mariana, Lizzie and I sang some fun stuff.
I played with Greta's key.
I have no idea. Ahaha. Fun.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:16:00 pm 0 comments
A Morning Full Of Paramore and Twilight
Paramore's video for 'Decode' came out Monday. I kinda like it. The part where Hayley's just gazing into the camera and singing are kinda creepy. Josh playing the guitar is fun. Jeremy running through the woods is weird. Zac hiding behind trees is just kinda odd. Edward and Bella are randomly in there. Which is fersure okay. But it definitely warrants a watch, though.
The whole Twilight soundtrack came out Tuesday, and it has a bunch of songs that I haven't even heard yet. But Paramore's other song 'I Caught Myself' is very good.
There are only 14 days. I am so excited. ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:55:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Hayley Williams, Jeremy Davis, Josh Farro, Paramore, Twilight, Zac Farro
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
You Watch Your Toilet When It Flushes?
Homeroom today wasn't the best. Mrs. V wasn't here, so Mrs. Ross had to sub for our homeroom teacher. I looked at the new AP with Steph and then went and talked to Alana for a little bit.
History was way boring. We had to read about the Salem Witch Trials. Do you have any idea how sick I am of the Salem Witch Trials? After History Day and all. And then we watched a video about them too. The girls in the video screamed a practically dog-whistle scream every five seconds, and one of them was supposed to be having a spaz in the bed and she was like twitching and it was quite funny. Greta kept making fun of it. Lizzie decorated my planner with a ton of bands names, all of which she wrote out herself, and it looks quite pretty. I'll get a picture later. I just read Diondra's AP. There was a full page Twilight ad. =]
Religion we got screamed at half the class. We were told some of us "didn't belong in this class," meaning we're not honors level. Julia and I shot each other skeptical looks. Not much.
Lunch was...let's just say that I just adore Erica and Abbey. I really do. Jes came over and told us how much she liked our table. She had some of my soda and my pizza. She talked to Chessie about Marco.
Highschool tours were fun. We learned which way toilets flushed, I was shoved into a classroom, we saw Erica's mum, I got a dirty look for using hand movements, we got snacks! A ton of stuff happened.
Anyway, I have a killer headache.
Three birthdays !
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:48:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Claire, Dylan, Kelly, Kevin Jonas
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
My Little Pony
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:03:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Abbey, Alex, Beetlejuice, Katie, My Little Pony
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Lil Wayne is dead. ♥
Perez says it's not true. This says it is. But that's fake I think.
I hope he's not. But just in case.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:36:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Lil Wayne, Perez Hilton
Legally Blonde Times 3 !
Maggie's house yesterday was superduperfunfunfun!
I went early to watch Legally Blonde The Musical, with Laura Bell[!], so we could compare it to when we saw it with Becky.
Then Macy, Steph, and Kelly came and we watched Legally Blonde, you know, the movie, with the original Elle, Reese Witherspoon.
And she is so funny, she's amazing too. We loved it. Macy kept like poking my side though, and then I'd like freak out and scream. So then I was just like "Steph, make sure she doesn't poke me." And Steph did a wonderful job stopping her.
Then, before watching the second movie, we went downstairs and did a bunch of random stuff. I was a lipring, Steph was god, Mary was a kind of fruit, Macy lived in a tree, and Kelly was blue. It was fabulous.
Then we went back upstiars to watch Red, White, and Blonde.
We couldn't focus. We called Chessy. Well, 'Kyle' did. He broke up with her because he found another girl. Then Chessy was like "I'm gunna eat your head." Which was sweet. Then we called her again and she told me about her Halloween. Which souned She gave me Sam's number and then Macy took the phone and was like "we have to go, bye." Which was sweet of her. We did not really watch the movie at all. I didn't anyway, I kept closing my eyes and Macy was like "ALANA! ARE YOU SLEEPING?" And I'd be like "No, Macy, I'm not."
It was a wicked fun night. =]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:49:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Becky Gulsvig, Chessie, Chessy, Kelly, Kyle, Laura Bell Bundy, Legally Blonde, Macy, Maggie, Reese Witherspoon, Sam, Steph
Saturday, November 01, 2008
6th Graders
So yesterday morning during homeroom we had to go downstairs to the cafeteria to me our 'little sisters,' although I find that term incredibly stupid. Since there were more of us than 6th graders, I got partnered with Caitlyn and out little 6th grader's name is Adriana and I love her! I wanted Sophie or India, because they are my other two favorite sixth graders, but that's okay. Anyway, Adriana was wicked fun. I felt bad for Erica and Kayla though, we sat at their table and their little kid didn't talk. At all. Erica was like " you wanna talk? Or do you want us to ask you questions?" So that wasn't fun for them. But I liked Adriana and we spent a lot of the time talking about people. Well, Erica and I did that too. It was fun.
And...the 6th graders are kinda growing on me.
Well, Sophie, India, and Adriana anyways.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:58:00 am 2 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't drink that, she's got backwash. Oh yeah? Well, I've got mono.
Today did not start out to be a good day. I didn't really get up until 6:45, and I had to catch the bus at 7, so I was in a mad rush to get ready before then. And I forgot flats! I was so upset. But Steph brought me some, so I didn't get in trouble thank god.
Homeroom- . I was in the computer lab typing stuff most of homeroom, but when I got back Abbey and Chessie gave me this weird High School Musical strawberry-chocolate-pop rocks thing. It was yummy. I also fell on my bum in the hallway because the flats I was wearing were so slippery. I fell like 5 times today, and people laughed at me. But Macy was nice, she helped me up.
Health- We got lollipops! Yum! Raquel said something ridiculously funny, but I can't remember what it was.
Spanish- I wanted to press the panic buton the Sister Perpetua's computer but Abbey told me not to because it would set of the fire alarms, so then I told Raquel I'd give her a dollar if she did it. But then I got scared, so I kept trying to stop her and then Raquel told Emma, and Emma just laughed. And in the end it turned out it wasn't even connected to the computer. It was just taped on. We were very sad.
Lunch- I forget. I talked to India! Ahaha we talked about shoes. I love her. Diondra bought me soda. I gave Erica and Emily little pumpkins. I talked about stuff with Jes. I have no idea.
English- Talked about Australia with Hayley. Talked about wallababies with Rachel. Nothing, really.
Study- On the way to study I kind of shouted to Erica that she was amazing and her birthday is four days after mine and she was all "Yes!" In study I wrote in a bunch of people's planners when my birthday was. Hannah drew a pretty picture in Maggie's. I talked about Twilight with Mariana. =]
Today...wasn't as bad as I thought.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
edward cullen muchh ?
Mariana is so funny. This is us talking on AIM. [Without our actually screen names, duh, because we don't want stalkers.]

[Just so you know, Mariana's a brunette too ;]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:11:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: AIM, Christmas, Edward Cullen, Mariana, Twilight
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Need a ride from the Zoo?
Homeroom- I was threatened by Mrs. Thompson. I listened to my iPod, and took an AR test. Homeroom just screams excitement.
Study- Um. I laughed at Hannah's book. Greta helped me with my Spanish homework. MARIANA IS READING TWILIGHT! I'm so proud of her! She was like "I think I'm going to fall in love with Edward."
Computer- Edy and Abbey looked at pictures of Kevin's new girlfriend. I showed Katay my tights and was astonished by how pretty Emily's chart was. Computer is exciting.
Lunch- I tried to buy a cupcake, but the stupid high school kid was like "NO." She wasn't nice. Shared my lunch with Chessy, borrowed money from Diondra, stole her fries too, and gave Lizzie my change. The usual.
Spanish- Um, nothing? I honestly don't remember.
English- We took a quiz. And wrote sentences. And then I read my book. About Harry Potter. Who I'm finding quite annoying at the moment.
After school- I had to stay for yearbook, but I couldn't find it. So I found it, which was good, and the whole thing we were basically trying to figure out the yearbook cover. We didn't. Frenche was totally for the one with the tattoos, but everyone else like the blue and brown swirly one. We talked about Sister Perpetua and how much we love her. Because we do! Then once that was over, I was waiting for Maggie to come back from after school theater. It was cold out. Then I went to the library where Kelly interrogated me about Abbey and Jordyn. Which was um, not as entertaining as it sounds. Which isn't very to begin with. I just read until Maggie got out of theater, then we went exploring around the high school, like always, and we both had lollipops! I used her phone, she fell down a toilet, I laughed, she told me suspicious information, I bought her something, she managed to get it for less than the normal price, someone saw us lurking and chased after us.
You know, just like normal.
It was a nice day.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:20:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Abbey, Chessie, Diondra, Edward Cullen, Edy, Emily, Frenche, Greta, Harry Potter, Katie, Kelly, Kevin Jonas, Lizzie, Maggie, Mariana, Mrs Thompson, Sister P, Twilight
Monday, October 27, 2008
Some Nights
some nights
when it's late
and i'm half asleep
music blasting through my headphones
something loud and angry or soft and sad
acoustic makes all the difference
i'm sad
i'm horrible
i'm confused
some nights
i wish a hundred times for everything to be okay
i wish a thousand times to fix everything, and for nothing to break again
i wish a million times not to loose you, because that would hurt too much
i wish too much, but sometimes wishing seems like the only way to make it work out alright
some nights
i think of differences
i think of fakes
i think of mistakes
i think of goodbyes
i think of you
i think of everything and more
some nights
i dream of leaving here
i dream of running away from this, from everything
i believe metro station when they say if you drive all night you can reach california by the morning
i echo phantom planet in whispering 'california, california, here we come'
i know leaving won't help anything, but i can't help but dream
some nights
i just cry
i cry for a long time, until it feels like there's nothing left
i cry until all that's there is me and the huge salty ocean, and it feels as if i've forgotten how to stay floating
so i sink
some nights
i dread tomorrow
it seems like i have nothing to look forward too
i want to open the window, jump out and runrunrun
i trust we the kings, because if i ran, i'd never look back
i'd still want to be back for morning
i'm never sure what makes me want to come back, never full sure
some nights
i miss the way things used to be, and the way things were before that too
i miss you looking at me and running over when i'd walk down the stairs as if it made your freaking day
i miss hugging you, because it felt safe there, far away from everything else
i miss you
i miss you so much, and i'll think of how much you taught me and gave me
some nights
my head hurts from all this
i'll have a stomach ache
my hands will shake
i won't be able to sleep
i toss and turn the whole time
then i'm dreadfully tired
some nights
i do sleep
i think i might dream, but i can never remember
it always seems as if i'm forgetting something when i get up
some nights
my iPod plays through all of this
i'll fall asleep listening to music
there's a song in my head that reminds me of most of these things
there's a song for everything, some nights
most nights, i hate tomorrow
but all nights, iloveyou
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:12:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Metro Station, Phantom Planet, tired, We the Kings
The acoustic versions of some really good songs.
Come Around-Sing It Loud
Three Cheers For Five Years-Mayday Parade
They are all really good, so fersure give them a listen.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:43:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Mayday Parade, Paramore, Sing It Loud
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We Believe In...
Sung by The Hush Sound.
[Notice, the outline of the video is PURPLE. Just like the brand new shoes Abbey and I got!]
306-59 & 25 days to Twilight !
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:51:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Abbey, Barack Obama, shoes, The Hush Sound, Twilight
Saturday, October 25, 2008
this is what i meant the other day, sweetie.
i wouldn't.
and i know it's my fault.
but god.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:29:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels
Abbey's Takeoverrrrr!
Hey everyone its Abbey, (or Bobby...) and I have officially taken over Alana's blog for today! Well. Fer right now anyway.... Yea ok so its 1:00 am. So what? I am a rock star! (Sorry. I'm a bit loopy when I'm sleepy.) Right now we're eating orange popsicles!
I stole about 20 of Alana's CDs. Its just all so fabbydabbydoo! Well I havta go wash off my make-up from the danceeeeee (which, by the way, was SO awful. there were like 7 guys there. like. ew. and one was a total jerk. GOO GOO GA GA TO U TOO!) so byeeez!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:28:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Abbey, Alana Richelle, Bobby, CDs, Dance, fabbydabbydoo, Maggie, Popsicle, Takeover
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I Want a Lamborghini Like Batman...I Want a Porche Like Kevin
Today was fun.
Granted the only few things I can remember are:
-Maggie and I singing Legally Blonde in the hallway and then being all "SNAPS! First day of HARVARD!"
-Edy and I talking about what kind of cars we wanted at the end of the day. She wants a black Porche, because Kevin Jonas has a white one, and I want a black Lamborghini like Batman, with the motorcycle and everything.
-Kayla being all "Wait, is that why salt is called sodium chloride?" And me being all "Even Hannah got that. No offense Hannah." And Hannah being all "Nope, none taken."
Um.....yeah. That's it. I don't remember anything else.
But it was a good day.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:07:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Batman, Edy, Hannah, Kayla, Kevin Jonas, Legally Blonde, Maggie
Waiting For The Bus
It's cold.
I can see my breath.
I don't wanna go to school.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:00:00 am 0 comments
Labels: school
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's scary is when I realize I don't know if I can trust you.
When you get mad at me, and it makes me crazy.
When I'm not sure how to say things, even though I should.
It's scary when you're there and you're not at the same time.
When you have me second guessing myself.
When it feels like you don't care.
It's scary when it feels like you're the Vivienne to my Elle.
The James to my Bella.
The Benny to my Maureen.
What's really scary though, is when I say 'i love you' and you don't say it back.
I don't even want to describe that.

Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:06:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Bella Swan, In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Legally Blonde, Rent, Twilight
Cheer up and dry your damp eyes, and tell me when it rains ♥
This song is SO GOOD. Lizzie showed it to me, and it's adorable.
Rainbow Veins - Owl City
Other than that...I hate school. So much, god you have no idea. The Spanish Project is terrible, Science Fair is horrid, and I'm ALWAYS tired.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:33:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Lizzie, Owl City, school, Science Fair, Spanish Project, tired
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pink on Pink on Pink on Pink
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:09:00 am 0 comments
Labels: William Sledd