Today did not start out to be a good day. I didn't really get up until 6:45, and I had to catch the bus at 7, so I was in a mad rush to get ready before then. And I forgot flats! I was so upset. But Steph brought me some, so I didn't get in trouble thank god.
Homeroom- . I was in the computer lab typing stuff most of homeroom, but when I got back Abbey and Chessie gave me this weird High School Musical strawberry-chocolate-pop rocks thing. It was yummy. I also fell on my bum in the hallway because the flats I was wearing were so slippery. I fell like 5 times today, and people laughed at me. But Macy was nice, she helped me up.
Health- We got lollipops! Yum! Raquel said something ridiculously funny, but I can't remember what it was.
Spanish- I wanted to press the panic buton the Sister Perpetua's computer but Abbey told me not to because it would set of the fire alarms, so then I told Raquel I'd give her a dollar if she did it. But then I got scared, so I kept trying to stop her and then Raquel told Emma, and Emma just laughed. And in the end it turned out it wasn't even connected to the computer. It was just taped on. We were very sad.
Lunch- I forget. I talked to India! Ahaha we talked about shoes. I love her. Diondra bought me soda. I gave Erica and Emily little pumpkins. I talked about stuff with Jes. I have no idea.
English- Talked about Australia with Hayley. Talked about wallababies with Rachel. Nothing, really.
Study- On the way to study I kind of shouted to Erica that she was amazing and her birthday is four days after mine and she was all "Yes!" In study I wrote in a bunch of people's planners when my birthday was. Hannah drew a pretty picture in Maggie's. I talked about Twilight with Mariana. =]
Today...wasn't as bad as I thought.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't drink that, she's got backwash. Oh yeah? Well, I've got mono.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
edward cullen muchh ?
Mariana is so funny. This is us talking on AIM. [Without our actually screen names, duh, because we don't want stalkers.]

[Just so you know, Mariana's a brunette too ;]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:11:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: AIM, Christmas, Edward Cullen, Mariana, Twilight
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Need a ride from the Zoo?
Homeroom- I was threatened by Mrs. Thompson. I listened to my iPod, and took an AR test. Homeroom just screams excitement.
Study- Um. I laughed at Hannah's book. Greta helped me with my Spanish homework. MARIANA IS READING TWILIGHT! I'm so proud of her! She was like "I think I'm going to fall in love with Edward."
Computer- Edy and Abbey looked at pictures of Kevin's new girlfriend. I showed Katay my tights and was astonished by how pretty Emily's chart was. Computer is exciting.
Lunch- I tried to buy a cupcake, but the stupid high school kid was like "NO." She wasn't nice. Shared my lunch with Chessy, borrowed money from Diondra, stole her fries too, and gave Lizzie my change. The usual.
Spanish- Um, nothing? I honestly don't remember.
English- We took a quiz. And wrote sentences. And then I read my book. About Harry Potter. Who I'm finding quite annoying at the moment.
After school- I had to stay for yearbook, but I couldn't find it. So I found it, which was good, and the whole thing we were basically trying to figure out the yearbook cover. We didn't. Frenche was totally for the one with the tattoos, but everyone else like the blue and brown swirly one. We talked about Sister Perpetua and how much we love her. Because we do! Then once that was over, I was waiting for Maggie to come back from after school theater. It was cold out. Then I went to the library where Kelly interrogated me about Abbey and Jordyn. Which was um, not as entertaining as it sounds. Which isn't very to begin with. I just read until Maggie got out of theater, then we went exploring around the high school, like always, and we both had lollipops! I used her phone, she fell down a toilet, I laughed, she told me suspicious information, I bought her something, she managed to get it for less than the normal price, someone saw us lurking and chased after us.
You know, just like normal.
It was a nice day.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:20:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Abbey, Chessie, Diondra, Edward Cullen, Edy, Emily, Frenche, Greta, Harry Potter, Katie, Kelly, Kevin Jonas, Lizzie, Maggie, Mariana, Mrs Thompson, Sister P, Twilight
Monday, October 27, 2008
Some Nights
some nights
when it's late
and i'm half asleep
music blasting through my headphones
something loud and angry or soft and sad
acoustic makes all the difference
i'm sad
i'm horrible
i'm confused
some nights
i wish a hundred times for everything to be okay
i wish a thousand times to fix everything, and for nothing to break again
i wish a million times not to loose you, because that would hurt too much
i wish too much, but sometimes wishing seems like the only way to make it work out alright
some nights
i think of differences
i think of fakes
i think of mistakes
i think of goodbyes
i think of you
i think of everything and more
some nights
i dream of leaving here
i dream of running away from this, from everything
i believe metro station when they say if you drive all night you can reach california by the morning
i echo phantom planet in whispering 'california, california, here we come'
i know leaving won't help anything, but i can't help but dream
some nights
i just cry
i cry for a long time, until it feels like there's nothing left
i cry until all that's there is me and the huge salty ocean, and it feels as if i've forgotten how to stay floating
so i sink
some nights
i dread tomorrow
it seems like i have nothing to look forward too
i want to open the window, jump out and runrunrun
i trust we the kings, because if i ran, i'd never look back
i'd still want to be back for morning
i'm never sure what makes me want to come back, never full sure
some nights
i miss the way things used to be, and the way things were before that too
i miss you looking at me and running over when i'd walk down the stairs as if it made your freaking day
i miss hugging you, because it felt safe there, far away from everything else
i miss you
i miss you so much, and i'll think of how much you taught me and gave me
some nights
my head hurts from all this
i'll have a stomach ache
my hands will shake
i won't be able to sleep
i toss and turn the whole time
then i'm dreadfully tired
some nights
i do sleep
i think i might dream, but i can never remember
it always seems as if i'm forgetting something when i get up
some nights
my iPod plays through all of this
i'll fall asleep listening to music
there's a song in my head that reminds me of most of these things
there's a song for everything, some nights
most nights, i hate tomorrow
but all nights, iloveyou
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:12:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Metro Station, Phantom Planet, tired, We the Kings
The acoustic versions of some really good songs.
Come Around-Sing It Loud
Three Cheers For Five Years-Mayday Parade
They are all really good, so fersure give them a listen.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:43:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Mayday Parade, Paramore, Sing It Loud
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We Believe In...
Sung by The Hush Sound.
[Notice, the outline of the video is PURPLE. Just like the brand new shoes Abbey and I got!]
306-59 & 25 days to Twilight !
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:51:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Abbey, Barack Obama, shoes, The Hush Sound, Twilight
Saturday, October 25, 2008
this is what i meant the other day, sweetie.
i wouldn't.
and i know it's my fault.
but god.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:29:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels
Abbey's Takeoverrrrr!
Hey everyone its Abbey, (or Bobby...) and I have officially taken over Alana's blog for today! Well. Fer right now anyway.... Yea ok so its 1:00 am. So what? I am a rock star! (Sorry. I'm a bit loopy when I'm sleepy.) Right now we're eating orange popsicles!
I stole about 20 of Alana's CDs. Its just all so fabbydabbydoo! Well I havta go wash off my make-up from the danceeeeee (which, by the way, was SO awful. there were like 7 guys there. like. ew. and one was a total jerk. GOO GOO GA GA TO U TOO!) so byeeez!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 1:28:00 am 1 comments
Labels: Abbey, Alana Richelle, Bobby, CDs, Dance, fabbydabbydoo, Maggie, Popsicle, Takeover
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I Want a Lamborghini Like Batman...I Want a Porche Like Kevin
Today was fun.
Granted the only few things I can remember are:
-Maggie and I singing Legally Blonde in the hallway and then being all "SNAPS! First day of HARVARD!"
-Edy and I talking about what kind of cars we wanted at the end of the day. She wants a black Porche, because Kevin Jonas has a white one, and I want a black Lamborghini like Batman, with the motorcycle and everything.
-Kayla being all "Wait, is that why salt is called sodium chloride?" And me being all "Even Hannah got that. No offense Hannah." And Hannah being all "Nope, none taken."
Um.....yeah. That's it. I don't remember anything else.
But it was a good day.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:07:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Batman, Edy, Hannah, Kayla, Kevin Jonas, Legally Blonde, Maggie
Waiting For The Bus
It's cold.
I can see my breath.
I don't wanna go to school.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:00:00 am 0 comments
Labels: school
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's scary is when I realize I don't know if I can trust you.
When you get mad at me, and it makes me crazy.
When I'm not sure how to say things, even though I should.
It's scary when you're there and you're not at the same time.
When you have me second guessing myself.
When it feels like you don't care.
It's scary when it feels like you're the Vivienne to my Elle.
The James to my Bella.
The Benny to my Maureen.
What's really scary though, is when I say 'i love you' and you don't say it back.
I don't even want to describe that.

Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:06:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Bella Swan, In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Legally Blonde, Rent, Twilight
Cheer up and dry your damp eyes, and tell me when it rains ♥
This song is SO GOOD. Lizzie showed it to me, and it's adorable.
Rainbow Veins - Owl City
Other than that...I hate school. So much, god you have no idea. The Spanish Project is terrible, Science Fair is horrid, and I'm ALWAYS tired.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:33:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Lizzie, Owl City, school, Science Fair, Spanish Project, tired
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pink on Pink on Pink on Pink
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:09:00 am 0 comments
Labels: William Sledd
Tonight, G-A-B-E Gunna Get You High
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:05:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Cobra Starship, Gabe Saporta
Thursday, October 09, 2008
You Are My Life Now.
*OFFICIAL* Twilight trailer!
Edward! Bella! No Jacob! Whoohoo!
November 21st = love
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:02:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Twilight
We've had NECAPS.
Loads of stuff has happened.
But I can't possibly remember all of it.
I just remember Abbey being like "You can hold that over her head like a spider covered in chocolate!" And Macy and I dying laughing. She was talking about Ms. Borden. Aahaha she's crazy, but we love her!
I don't know what else =]
Ugly Betty!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:46:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Abbey, Macy, Ms Bordon, Ugly Betty
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
My thoughts you can't decode
One of Paramore's songs for the Twilight soundtrack. It's amazing, because what else could it be?
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:23:00 pm 0 comments
We Are Super Fly =]
This is from last Saturday, when a couple of us went to some pizza place for lunch during ACT. Abbey and I were there as guests, and this video also features Ana, Destiny, Ebony, and Hayley, and our WONDERFUL camera person, TIMMY! [Katay.] We sing some stuff from Camp Rock, Jonas Brothers, and Hannah Montana [and Abbey has a choking spaz, she's allergic to her.]. We point out my fabulous Tim Gunn shirt. We wait for the pizza to come. We get a ton of weird looks from the surrounding tables, just because they're jelly. We see the 'say no to drugs' sign. We talk to out new hobo friend, who's name is Bobby, who knows Elizah.
It was wicked fun. =]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:22:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Abbey, Ana, Bobby, Camp Rock, Destiny, Ebony, Elizah, Hannah Montana, Hayley, Jonas Brothers, Katie, Tim Gunn
Monday, October 06, 2008
Final Trailer !
The final trailer for the Twilight movies comes out this Friday!
And as of today, there are only 45 days until the movies comes out!
I'm really excited, I just hope they don't ruin it.
There's too much Jacob on there, not enough Edward, and not enough Bella either. But oh well.
=] I still can't wait.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:59:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Twilight
Sunday, October 05, 2008
It's Raining At Home
Honey's here! Jasmine isn't a puppy anymore.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:39:00 pm 1 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
What It Feels Like
It feels like when Edward left Bella and she couldn't breathe. When she found Jacob and he fixed her a little but not all the way. When Edward leaves without any warning. When Bella has that hole in her chest that couldn't be fixed by anyone. It feels like when Alice and Jasper left and everyone is just numb. When Jacob sees Bella right before she has Nessie and he's nervous and sad because he's losing Bella. When Carlisle turns Edward into a vampire out of selfishness. When Royce leaves Rosalie and she never thought he was like that. It feels like when Jacob feels like Embry left him for Sam, and then when Quil feels left out because Jacob and Embry left.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:17:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Alice Cullen, Bella Swan, Carlisle Cullen, Edward Cullen, In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, Jacob Black, Jasper Cullen, Renesmee Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Twilight
Friday, October 03, 2008
Do The Panic, Phantom Planet!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:16:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Phantom Planet
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
She just makes my day. She makes me smile. She's my life. =]
I know I haven't posted in forever, and I'm going to, today or tomorrow I promise.
But for now, I have to go watch Bones and Project Runway.
[Oh, and by the way? If you're the person that like, knows me, but knows Abbey too? Who are you? Do I know you too? Just wondering.]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:10:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Abbey, Bones, Jasmine, Project Runway
Another birthday =]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:17:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Josh Farro, Paramore