I have not had a day like today in a long, long time. Today was a really fun , fabulous day.
Homeroom- Grace and Katherine talked about sins and ants.
Math- Ew, it was math. Nothing exciting happened then.
Science- Brittany tried to get us to work. Julia, Ashley, and I just kept talking. Lizzie's group apparently wasn't being all that nice to her which wasn't good! We didn't do much...
Lunch- Lunch was sooo fun. Lizzie scared Claire by hugging her. Mrs. Conners and I had a lovely little chat. Greta and Lizzie talked about bunnies' and we were just all around crazy, like we usually are!
History- Um I wrote in Lizzie's planner? Emily drew on my notes? Nothing really happened?
Religion- I LOVE our class. I really do. We create...so much stuff, and we argue about it, and we don't get along, but I love them. We were talking about the stock market, and the great depression and Laura said something about jumping out of a building and Amy's like "Well, that's real positive Laura, people jumping out of buildings" or something like that, and out whole class just had a huge fight, or screaming thing, and there were threats, and there was accusations, and it's just the type of thing our class was capable of last year. And let me tell you, we really are still good at it. It was quite quite fun. :]
After school- After school we went to the play ground for a little bit, but then all the little kids came [stupid little kids!] so we had to leave and sat on the grass in front of school. But then Johnathan came! And that was just buckets of fun. He's not coming back next week! But he let us take a picture!
Hmm. Yeah.
And then I just about had a heart attack. I found out that Abbey dearest has been to Paducah. And she's been to Kentucky Oaks mall. And she's been to the Gap there.

[I'll give you space to get over that.]
Of course, she had no idea who he was. Go figure. So I just about died with that. I was seriously screaming, and laughing, and crying on the ground. Ahaha I'm a spaz.
It was really fun. I forget what else happened. But It was an amazing day,