So we had our retreat today...and we had no idea what to expect at all. And let's just say I can wait until the next one. Really. Of course, Maggie loved it, and lets just face it here people, she could have led it too. [♥] So, be spent the whole day there and um...well it was like: CHURCH[God rocks!]!-The Musical. Some of the favorite lines that might make this one a Broadway hit are...
"God is not sexy like the Jonas Brothers."
"So they opened the guys wallet, found twenty bucks...and a tube of lipstick."
"'I made a God the Emcee rap!"
"So the robbers ran away, but one of them tripped, so the others just...left him there."
"The people in Hawaii were like, 'You need to eat more', so I was like, 'Okay!'"
"The traveler danced backwards around the mountain and said 'What am I doing? I'm an idiot!'"
"And Jesus said OH!!!"
"Come fish with me!"
"Tom Brady faked some passes to no one!!"
"Was that me? Did I say yes? Me? That was me?"
"Don't follow me, I'll lead you to Dunkin' Donuts. Follow Simon!"
"So do you guys think I look like Brad Pitt?"
"So the Samaritan helped the traveler onto her donkey...or, just pretended to..."
"Zac Efron couldn't help the traveler, because he had to fix his hair."
It is going to be so HOT! Just wait, we can all star in it, it will be amazing. You will all wanna see it, really.
Bottom line-Retreat was way boring, but remember: Ya'll are going to LOVE the musical!!
you know you love it!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:33:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: Brad Pitt, Dunkin' Donuts, fish, God, Jesus, Johnson Brothers, Jonas Brothers, Maggie, retreat, Tom Brady, Zac Efron
Retreat today! Its sure to be blahh, but who knows?
Ya know there are gonna be guys there? We are going to have to pray in front of guys!! [Hehe Emily!]
This is for Katherine!!!^^^ :]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:09:00 am 4 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Broadway Strike?
[Thats right, capitalized!]
Yeah, well, apparently, its over.
Hope your families get to stay in their homes insensitive loser.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:37:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Broadway Strike
Lily Allen/Christina Aguilera
So I was on GFY today and I saw two things that made me sad/shocked.
Lily First.She's been diagnosed with a heart murmur, so it says in the article. I'm not exactly sure what a heart murmur is, but apparently it's not that fatal, and that's good. She's taking care of herself too, which is really good. As for the dress...well I don't know if I would wear it but it looks good on her.
Now, Christina.
MARIE CLAIRE!!! Why on Earth would you do that?? Like come on! everyone already knew she was pregnant but, my GOD! Like her kids are gonna grow up and be like "MOM!" Like, if you are gonna do naked shots...well preferably, don't but if you are gonna stuck to the ones when you aren't pregnant, please? Thanks!
gossip girl!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 2:54:00 pm 5 comments
Labels: Christina Aguilera, heart murmur, Lily Allen, Marie claire
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I feel so sick.
Today was so not the best day.
I hate school.
It makes you a soul-less corporate drone with no personality.
Hate it, hate it, hate it.
Do you suppose my teachers would still be all 'Oh she's so full of life!' if I went emo?
Suppose it would make them realize how much I don't like them?
Hope so.
Bye, in an emo-like voice.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:10:00 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tim Gunn!!
There is one thing you need to know about Tim Gunn: He is love. He is literally one of the best people ever. Not love like in a oh, wanna marry him way, quite obviously, but he's just and such. and he's got his own TV show, that Veronica Webb co-hosts, Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. And he is Project Runway's mentor. He's got a book to, and I think Mom wants to get it, and I have this cute shirt that I bought in New York that says Tim Gunn told me to wear this T-shirt!! He really is cool though. Auntie Mary met him, and Uncle Chris was like "Are you going to do a show for guys?" And Tim is like "Yes, sometime next year." So Uncle Chris goes "Oh, well just take me now then, because I need help!" And Tim is like, "No, you look fabulous!"
I have to go, so...Make it work!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:10:00 pm 6 comments
Labels: Auntie Mary, Project Runway, Tim Gunn, Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, Uncle Chris
Sunday, November 25, 2007
World Wildlife Fund
So when I was at Dad's Debbie asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I was like uh...I dunno? But there is this really cool thing where people can buy you like a gift card for WWF [World Wildlife Fund] and then you can choose an animal from the magazine or online and adopt it! It's not like they are going to bring it to your house cause it's like, wild and stuff. But the animals are endangered so you are helping them. It's so awesome!! ♥♥
Schoolie, blahhhh.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:03:00 pm 6 comments
Saints Project
Saints project for religion.
Singing to Legally Blonde.
Having some ice.
More later.
Byeee xoxo
Bend and Snap!
Look how good you're getting!
[Told you I was listening to Legally Blonde!!]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:56:00 am 4 comments
Labels: Dad, Legally Blonde, religion
Friday, November 23, 2007
My week was so super fabulous! So, you guys know that my cousins were here, from Monday night to yesterday[Friday]...yeah it sucks they couldn't stay longer, I know. :[
So, Monday night I had to stay late at school, ya know, for math, and Laura's mom gave me a ride home and they [the Fab 5, as I will now call them] were there and we were like HI!! It was fun cause then they slept over.But the next morning we all had to get up early cause Elise and Kristi came to school with me. It was fun and such. And after school we went to this really fancy restaurant for Nana&Poopah[WHOOPS! I meant Papa] 50th. It was so awesome! Elise and I got all these fab pictures! So then Wednesday we like hung out. I don't really remember but it was so much random fun. Gav slept over that nightThen on Thanksgiving we went to Nana's house and it lo0oked so good. And OHMIGAWD Nana's DBC [Death By Chocolate]? It is to die for. As the name states. We all held hands romantically sarcastically and got attacked by some Martians, with a z and an s. Then we went outside and Elsie tried to convince me I'm fabulous at soccer. [No offense Elise but you didn't do a good job of convincing me.] And that I should try out for cabaret, which all and all don't go together. Gav killed Elise though, then he started shouting 'PUT HER IN THE RESURRECTION TREE!' Then stuck a 'reviver packet' in her face. It was [all together] quite funny. We went home and watched Legally Blonde, cause I had recored it. It was all suddenly interesting to Gavin when he discovered someone was murdered and when Elle called Emmett a buttface. Then G slept over that night to. So there was like 9 people sleeping over. The next day we chilled and went to the house to finish Thanksgiving leftovers. We had to leave for Dave's sisters house thought to see Auntie Mary[SHE'S MET TIM GUNN!!], so we had to leave before the Fab 5 did.
Anyway, it was amazing, but I have to go cause I'm at fadres and I'm sick, which sucks.
xoxo byeee! ily all!
[Elise, send me the pictures kay?? Thanks!!]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:44:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Auntie Lori, Auntie Mary, Dad, Dave, Elise, Evan, Gavin, Kristi, Laura, Legally Blonde, Martians, Nana, Papa, Sick, Tim Gunn, Uncle Kirk
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
So, Happy Thanksgiving!! Rawr!
It's like, 10:42 and we are doing absolutely nothing. Except for Eliseioso annoying me[but we love her anyway]. Evanna is reading my book, Krisoggi is being small, and Gavalino is scratching his stomach cause he's not wearing a shirt. I know some weird named people huh?
Anywho, we recorded Legally Blonde the Musical [it was on MTV today, isn't that great] and it was so super-fabulous-amazing-shiztastic!! I loved it so bad. Like wicked amazing, really good. I could've seen it in person, but no...
Are you gay or European?
caio for now cuppycakes!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:40:00 pm 5 comments
Labels: Elise, Evan, Gavin, Kristi, Legally Blonde, Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Who are you?
1. Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
.a) Candlelight dinner (4 pts.)
.b) Fun/Theme Park (2 pts.)
.c) Painting in the park (5 pts)
.d) Rock concert (1 pt.)
.e) Going to the movies (3 pts.)
2. What is your favorite type of music?
.a) Rock and Roll (2 pts.)
.b) Alternative (1 pt.)
.c) Soft Rock (4 pts.)
.d) Country (5 pts.)
.e) Pop (3 pts.)
3. What type of movies do you prefer?
.a) Comedy (2 pts.)
.b) Horror (1 pt.)
.c) Musical (3 pts.)
.d) Romance (4 pts.)
.e) Documentary (5 pts.)
4. Which one of these occupations would you choose if you only could choose one of these?
.a) Waiter (4 pts.)
.b) Professional Sports Player (5 pts.)
.c) Teacher (3 pts.)
.d) Police (2 pts.)
.e) Cashier (1 pt)
5. What do you do with your spare time?
.a) Exercise (5 pts.)
.b) Read (4 pts.)
.c) Watch television (2 pts.)
.d) Listen to music (1 pt.)
.e) Sleep (3 pts.)
6. Which one of the following colors do you like best?
.a) Yellow (1 pt.)
.b) White (5 pts.)
.c) Sky Blue (3 pts.)
.d) Dark Blue (2 pts.)
.e) Red (4 pts.)
7. What do you prefer to eat?
.a) Snow (3 pts.)
.b) Pizza (2 pts.)
.c) Sushi (1 pt.)
.d) Pasta (4 pts.)
.e) Salad (5 pts.)
8 What is your favorite holiday?
.a) Halloween (1 pt.)
.b) Christmas (3 pts.)
.c) New Year (2 pts.)
.d) Valentine's Day (4 pts.)
.e) Thanksgiving (5 pts.)
9. If you could go to one of these places which one would it be?
.a) Paris (4 pts)
.b) Spain (5 pts)
.c) Las Vegas (1 pt)
.d) Hawaii (4 pts)
.e) Hollywood (3 pts)
10. With which of the following would you prefer to spend time with?
.a) Someone Smart (5 pts.)
.b) Someone attractive (2 pts.)
.c) Someone who likes to Party (1 pt.)
.d) Someone who always has fun (3 pts.)
.e) Someone very sentimental (4 pts.)
Now add up your points and find out the answer you have been waiting for!
(10-16 points) You are Garfield :
You are very comfortable, easy going, and you definitely know how to have fun but sometimes you take it to an extreme. You always know what you are doing and you are always in control of your life. Others may not see things as you do, but that doesn't mean that you always have to do what is right. Try to remember, your happy spirit may hurt you or others.
(17-23 points) You are Snoopy:
You are fun, you are very cool and popular. You always know what's in and you are never are out of style You are good at knowing how to satisfy everyone else. You have probably disappeared for a few days more than once but you always come home with the family values that you learned Being married and having children are important to you, but only after you have had your share of fun times
(24-28 points) You are Elmo:
You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to be too much of a dreamer. Dreaming too big could cause many conflicts in your life.
(29-35 points) You are Sponge Bob Square Pants:
You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have and never wants to lose. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not understand your feelings. Life is a journey, it's funny and calm for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, and you will be stress free.
(36-43 points) You are Charlie Brown:
You are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your Mom every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few Birthdays. Don't let your passion confuse you with reality.
(44-50 points) You are Dexter:
You are smart and definitely a thinker... Every situation is fronted with a plan. You have a brilliant mind. You demonstrate very strong family principles. You maintain a stable routine but never ignore a bad Situation when it comes. Try to do less over thinking every once in a while to spice things up a bit with spontaneity!
I'm SpongeBob SquarePants, right on the edge of Elmo though, I had 29. Elsie had 35, almost Charlie Brown. Kristi was 32. Leave your comments! ♥This blog post courtesy of Auntie Kim♥
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:21:00 am 7 comments
Labels: Auntie Kim, Charlie Brown, Dexter, Elmo, Garfield, Snoopy, Sponge Bob Square Pants
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yes, Peter Parker, IS, in fact, Spider-Man!!
So, it's Tuesday, and Elise is in the loo and Kristi is practicing Lizzie's awkward turtle thing. And now she's explaining how Harry Potter got his wand...even though I read the book. Weird. So we just came back from this really fancy restaurant celebrating Nana and Papa's 50th anniversary dinner. There was a waiter named Nick[I think so anyway] and he called Elise 'Senora' like 50 times. And called Uncle Mark 'Senora' too. So the bathroom, you walk in and it's like a mirror, so I kind of walked into it and then the second time we went in Elise walked into it. So did Nana. Its not like that in the guys room though. They must like to confuse females. Hmph.
Hi everyone, Alana has stuff to do, so I decided to write some random stuff. So, yeah. I just wanted to tell all you people at there that veal is baby cow and think of your poor dead baby cow that never got a chance to live!!!! And you're eating it for dinner. So anyway, Alana wasn't able to get out of detention which was totally unfair! But no one was especially mad. By the way, if you...never mind gotta go.
Yeah, so that was Elise, by the way, [the picture too] and uh, if it wasn't obvious, she's vegetarian, and she's ranting about veal because that's what Uncle Mark had for dinner. She like, had a spaz while drinking. So don't take it personally. Anywho they came to the academy today and it was fun!! Of course it was like, no school tomorrow so everybody was hyper and stuff. Greta wasn't there though! Sad! [FEEL BETTER NOW GRETA!!!♥] And mass was so funny cuz the bishop was taking off her church clothes and telling us about how she was a homeless person for like, a month. It was lovely. Really. :]
So we're chillin [like a villain] on Tuesday night, no school tomorrow, so staying up late [hopefully anyway]. Kristi is discovering the wonders of Spider-Man, and I'm being all huffy that EVAN[not Eric] hasn't read the comic books. Only seen the movies. Mae.
So yeah, snaps for all of you [that's right, go homeroom!].
byeeeeeeeeeee! [from Elise and Kristi too]
oh, yeah, and by the way, this is me getting run over by a car :] ^^^ up there
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:07:00 pm 8 comments
Labels: Elise, Evan, Greta, Kristi, Lizzie, Nana, Papa, Spider-Man, Uncle Mark
Monday, November 19, 2007
Just another manic Monday...
Monday again.
Two day week.
Thanks giving.
Going to be absolutely
gossip girl
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:02:00 am 1 comments
Labels: monday
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Chillin like a villain [on penicillin, as Mariana says]. Dad's supposed to be coming at 10, but I have no idea what we are going to do all day. There's nothing to do, quite literally. We will probably go for a drive or something, and I'll be bored. Ya know.
When we come back though we're frantically cleaning the house because the absolutely fabulously fantastical cousins are coming! For like, 5 days! And they are staying at my house because Nana and Papa's house isn't done yet, so when Dad and I finish whatever it is we are doing...I get to clean! Rawr! *Sarcasm Lizzie*
But anyway, I'm so exited for them to come, because I only get to see them like, twice a year. Last time I saw them was August and it's been like, 3 months but it seems way longer. Wayyyy longer.
Anyway, I'm off to buy Nana a card to mail to her as her first piece of mail.
Love you all [mostly] byee!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:08:00 am 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Science test today...
I'm so scared. Katherine said that she failed. Maggie said it was hard. I studied, but still. I don't wanna fail!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:24:00 am 6 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
At the library...
So, I'm at the library with Fadre, and there's this woman standing near me with this really ugly suit that makes her look like a pear. After this we are going to go to Borders and buy Stephen Colbert's book. It's gonna be radd!
So that party thing today was kinda sucky. Like, they had ice cream and played maybe, 2 good songs that didn't have synchronized movements. (There was Macerena, Cha-cha Slide, Cotton Eye Joe...I could continue, but I won't.) They played my Spice Girls song though! I was like YESSS!!! And Maggie and I were like screaming. And Kelsey took like, three pictures of me. I was like Kelsey don't, but she did anyway...I don't like having my picture taken. Mae. It's wasn't that fun though. Kinda just hung out. Nothing exiting. :[
So...the computer has three minutes left on it, so sadly, I have to go.
[Girls make better ninjas]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 3:37:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Dad, Kelsey, Maggie, Party, Spice Girls, Stephen Colbert
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Life just seems so boring. Like, nothing exiting ever's depressing. All that has happened lately is...
-I have that Spice Girls song 'Wannabe' stuck in my head
-There was a fire drill today, only we were outside in gym, so we had to stand there
-Dress down tomorrow and Friday
-Partay tomorrow for the principal
-I can't play soccer if my life depended on it...but I could attempt to do the Macarena and defense at the same time
-Megan bit my dead person's head
-I'm so going to fail the Science test...why, why, why???
Nothing much else...math...gross
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:06:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Megan, Party, Spice Girls, Test
Sunday, November 11, 2007
new york
So Mum and I went to New York On the 9th, and we took a train in there. Long, long train ride, so I was happy when Emily called, so we're talking and this [old] lady turns around and goes "Must you shout so?!?" And I'm like "Uh, sorry?" It was weird cause I wasn't shouting at all. Anyway, train ride up there was boring. So we get there and we go to the hotel to drop our bags off. Then we went to the Ripley's museum which was so awesomely shiztastic. Then we went to dinner at Planet Hollywood, which I love love love! It's got props from movies and they play music videos and such. It's radd, I wish we had one at home. Then we went to Madam Tussuad's, [the wax museum] and we took some fab pictures. I took one with Fidel Castro for Senora. It was funn! Then we were going back to the hotel and Mum noticed that I tend to almost walk into the most drunk people on the street. Hehe.
So the next day we get up at like, 9, because we stayed up to almost midnight. We are lazy bums. Hehe. So then we go to STABUCKS! Skipping the r's baby, thats just how we do! I had this really yummy glazed donut thing. I felt bad for the people sitting at the window bar seats cause right across the street form the Stabucks was a lovely light up flashing strip club. Yeah, great thing to wake you up with your morning cup of coffee huh? Anywho, then we went to Saks, 5th Avenue baby! It was amazing, like 9 floors of designer-y goodness. I loved it. They had it all decorated for winter and it looked all pretty. The shoe department was unbelievable. So then we go to Broadway, for Legally Blonde. And guess what? Broadway was canceled because the stupid stagehands were on strike. For some stupid thing. It was so idiotic. The main point here is that stagehands suck, and it's a good thing that guy was behind a fence, cause I wanted to kick him. So, we didn't get to see the play. And, I was mad, so we had to go to the M&M store to buy some chocolate and stuff. Chocolate is the best kind of therapy. Then we basically went shopping [2 new purses, 3 new shiztastic pairs of shoes]. Then we got the early train back, and spent the entire ride sitting in the cafe car across from a table of 4 drunk Australian guys. They had decided to randomly leave New York for the night and go clubbing somewhere else. They were all wearing weird shoes, and one of them was wearing this tight hoodie that said hugs and kisses on it in Italian. Mum read it, not me. So we think he bought a girls hoodie by accident. And he didn't know. [We didn't tell him.] So when we get in the cafe car, they order 4 Sam Adams. Then they ordered more. And then finished it all. And ordered Corona. All of it. The they wanted more, but they didn't want Heineken. But were afraid the buzz would be gone by the time they got to where ever they were going, [wouldn't that be tragic?] so they had Heineken anyway. Then they were all drunk so they were telling stories about ^ foot tall penguins. Then laughing loudly like HAWHAWHAWHAW!! It was very, very annoying. So I was glad when we got home.
xoxo going to do stuff
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:59:00 am 5 comments
Labels: Beer, Broadway Strike, Drunk Astralians, Emily, Fidel Castro, Legally Blonde, Mom, New York, Ripley's, Saks, Stabucks
Thursday, November 08, 2007
So that's my camera, Dad and I bought it today!! Isn't it cute though? It's all shiny and lime green and uh, absolutely fabulous shiztasic snazzy! ^^^ And we bought it today because Dad thought I should have it today because tomorrow Mom and I are going to NEW YORK!!!
We're leaving tomorrow and coming back Saturday but we are gunna have so much fun!! We're going to a Ripley's museum, a tv studio [the one where Tim Gunn's show is filmed] and LEGALLY BLONDE THE MUSICAL!!! I'm so exited, and really really happy too. :]
my birthday's tomorrow 10:16 am baby
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:11:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: Dad, Legally Blonde, Mom, New York, Tim Gunn
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Get Your Countdown
That's how much time we have left baby.
November 9, 10:16 [am]
It's 7:15-ish and Dad just called.
I'm getting the camera!!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:10:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Dad
Monday, November 05, 2007
Tuesday, Bloody Tuesday [ie, school]
xoxo gossip girl!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:55:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: New York, professional day, Test
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Facestrong Project
Stephen Colbert is staging Operation Facestrong. On his website he explains that with the help of anyone can morph his face with anyone else's, as they can download thier own pictures as well as having those available on the website. Once you morph the faces you can e-mail the link to the webmaster and he could put it on the website.
Morph of Stephen Colbert and David Boreanaz [Angel on Buffy&Angel and Seeley Booth on Bones] can be found here. [I made it and e-mailed it to the webmaster.]
Well, stuff to do. Do that, play around with it, cause some of the mixtures can be really cool, [ie, Christina Aguilera and Sarah Michelle Gellar] but some can just be plain creepy. [ie, Michael Jackson and Marylin Manson.]
xoxoxo, byee
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:04:00 am 7 comments
Labels: Facestrong, Stephen Colbert
Friday, November 02, 2007
Okay, so there's this dance at school tonight, and I'm way bored waiting for Laura to pick me up.
So I just bought Metro Station's cd and I love Ashley because she knows who they are! [They are, quite obviously, a band.] Yay! Today when I asked Maggie if she liked them she was like 'What's a Metro Station?' I love it though! I mean come on....
It's going to get harder
And it's going to burn brighter, and it's going to feel tougher each and every day
So let me say that I love you, you're all that I've ever wanted
All that I've ever dreamed of to come, and yes you did come
I want you so bad, can you feel it too?
You know I'm so, I'm so in love you
I want you for so much, I need you for so much
I need you, I need you, your love
Wasn't that sweet? <3
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:00:00 pm 13 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Hey! So my birthday is in 8 days, and I'm so happy! [That's November 9th for those of you that didn't get that, today being the 2nd] So anyway, mum has this big huge surprise thing happening, it's 'exclusive.' Tons of secretiveness...if that's a word.
So ,like my party/birthday...whatever that is??
^Maybe it's a sheep. Or a dust bunny, with legs. Who knows. The weird thing is it looks slightly psychotic, with the eyes, it kinda looks like he's puking up the blue thing. Anyway his name is...Steve, and he is wicked cool. =]
Oh! So guess what. Sister Perpetua gave her whole homeroom toothbrushes and toothpaste, and no one would give me theirs, so when we had religion that day i was like 'Sister Perpetua do you have an extra toothbrush?' But she was like 'No, sorry!' So then last class I'm sitting on a desk and she walks in and gasps and says 'See me after class' but I forgot to stay, so yesterday shes like 'Come here and bring your purse' So Iwas thinking 'HOLY HOT SAUCE she's gunna go through my purse!?!?' And she shoves a toothbrush in. She went out an bought an extra toothbrush and toothpaste and gave it to me i was like 'Uh, Thanks?' It was nice though.
xoxo school, think we are doing our things in english today
ciao for now cupckaes!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:10:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Sister P