I think I've figured it out.
Boat potato.
Like, couch potato!!
Get it?
I barely do.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:40:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Boat Potato
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
That's how bad history day is.
Sorry for the short posts...
Good luck Maggie!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:40:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: History Day, Maggie
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Guess which lovely lady is expecting her second child??
Gwen Stefani!!
I am going to take the time to point out that I don't like babies, yet I think Kingston is so adorable. Which is the only reason I'm posing this.
xoxo, good luck
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 9:12:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Gwen Stefani
Monday, January 28, 2008
Different day.
Same drama. Same arguemnt.
Same fight.
Same thing to smaz over.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:07:00 am 0 comments
Labels: friends
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Okay so Dad just left...
And Mom & him just spent like, 10 minutes talking about me.
Fun huh?
And now I have to go do history day.
I'm so not feeling fierce right now.
[hehe love Christian]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 3:42:00 pm 6 comments
Labels: Christian Siriano, Dad, History Day, Mom
I hate my teachers/life/add other sucky item here
So we got report cards.
I'm not getting AIM back.
Mom thinks it's 'distracting'.
Apparently my teachers backed her that it's a waste of time.
Oh, and now I hang out with 'bad children' so that's probably affecting it too.
Guess who told her I hang out with 'bad children'?
So yeah, it sucks.
This is so not shiztastic.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 10:03:00 am 6 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
This movie was so great! I loved it. Loved the first one too. But it was really funny because like I suddenly realized that the guy playing John Wilkes Booth's great-great-grandson is the same guy that plays Bradford Meade on Ugly Betty, and I practically shout 'OHMIGAWD, BRADFORD MEADE IS TRYING TO KILL THEM!' My fav character is deff Riley though. He's so funny! Anyhoodle, I have to go, Rhea is being a prat.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:18:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: John Wilkes Booth, National Treasure, Rhea, Ugly Betty
Friday, January 25, 2008
Project Runway-What the heck?
Okay, so this week's challenge was...denim jeans. Create an outfit out of denim jeans. Now, don't get me wrong, some of the designers were creative, but why in the world is this relevant to like, the actual world of fashion? And some of the designs were pretty hideous. It was very funny though, when they were all in the van on the way to the warehouse Victorya's like "Are we meeting someone fabulous?" And Tim's all "We are fabulous, we don't need to meet anyone!" It was quite funny.Sweet P was originally going to make a wedding dress and I went spaztastic when I heard that. but Tim told her it would look atrocious, or one of his other big words so she chopped it and hemmed it.
Rami's. The judges were all "OHMIGOSH, you darling original thing! You used zippers on the skirt! How we love you so!" I guess it was okay...I wasn't crazy about it though.
Chris, omg. This dress was so weird! It had like, little bulging things on the side. And I didn't like the top. He was in the bottom three. [Dun dun dun!]
Christian's. See that thing on the knee of the jeans? That's cause he lengthened it with the sleeves of a denim jacket. It's okay, but really? I don't think people would wear it.
Ricky won this challenge. But he totally didn't deserve it. And get this. They are selling it at Levi Stores and it's sold out. I don't like it at all...and surprise surprise he started crying when he won!Jillian did a 'futuristic coat' type of thing. She was very mad about the fact that Victorya did almost the same thing, but then her model told her Victorya's looked ugly, so I guess she felt better. [Bottom 2!!]
Victorya is out! I didn't like her much. [Jillian's model was right!] She was always pinch-faced. I'm so glad she's gone. She was all "Oh, I grew up sewing at my mothers knee..." I was like 'Wow, you must have been a short child.'
xoxo, until next PR
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:44:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Chris March, Christian Siriano, Jillian Lewis, Project Runway, Rami Kashou, Ricky Lizadle, Sweet P Vaughn, Tim Gunn, VictorYA Hong
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sometimes Cats Are Annoying
This is my little love. Her name is Rhea. [Ree-ah.]
She's amazing. And also being annoying as she's meowing like cah-ray-zee. But I love her.
[Double paws on all four feet!]
xoxo off to dinner.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:32:00 pm 8 comments
Labels: Rhea
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Absolutely Fabu-not Day of ME!
My fabu-not day!!
Homeroom-Apparently we had homework. Which I didn't do. Because I was sick, and I was not told. So I did it in homeroom. No big loss. Steph wasn't here today. I was v. v. sad because I wanted to see if Maggie said was true, if she really does look like a turtle. [Although I highly doubt it.]
Science-Emily and I finished our penny-question thing. And started a confusing family chart for people with skin disorders.
English-I went to the library. Got a book. Then I became a homeless person, right next to Hannah.
Lunch-I would never have guessed that violence is the answer, but hey, if punching people in the stomach works for you, they by all means, go for it!!
Spanish-All the groups presented their plays. All but one.....
Computer-New class! Kinda blah really, hate keyboarding. My computer fell asleep so fast so I set it to fall asleep every 1,000 minutes, by Greta says thats bad, so I changed it to 10.
After School-10 extra points on the mathy retake tomorrow!!
xoxo, have to go look at my pretty little designer dresses. [6 and counting!]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:51:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: Emily, Greta, Hannah Elizabeth, Maggie, Steph, turtle, violence
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
No, I'm not sick. [Although it's looking strangely like I have pink eye. But we don't know that.] I just have an orthodontist appointment that I have to go to. Something about my braces. Ugh I feel so blah. A lot better than last week but still...
Caio for now cupcakes
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:43:00 am 8 comments
Labels: Rent
Monday, January 21, 2008
History Day
Today we went to Salem to research my History Day project...which I hate so much. But we went to the witch museum, and it wasn't that bad. I listened to Rent all the way there and back and I'm listening to it now and Mom had banned it after it's done. At least for today. She thinks I need a 'mental break'! Please! This is how I deal with new CDs. I listen to it like, a million times straight until I get a new CD. It's a vicious cycle.
I have to go listen to take me or leave me. It's when Maureen and Joanne breakup. Right after they get engaged.
It's fabby right?
smooches ♥
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:51:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: History Day, Mom, Rent, Salem
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Rent is my love
I'm so loving it you guys!!
Saw the musical last night and the movie the night before that just bought the CD...I'm sorry, but it just knocked Legally Blonde off the spot for my favorite musical. Because it is shiztasticlly amazing!!
Anyway...enjoys this video from the movie, of Angel singing to Collins, Roger and Mark about how she killed a dog and found Collins. I love it!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:31:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Legally Blonde, Rent
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Your Daily Dose of Tim
You have got to be kidding me.
This is not in any way Tim Gunn. There is no way! It looks way different than him!!
On Tim. You're so smart!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 12:16:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Tim Gunn
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ohmigawd, Lily
I'm so so so sorry! We love you!
[Lovely Lily has had a miscarriage.]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:38:00 am 2 comments
Labels: Lily Allen
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Back&Having a Better Hair Day
I'm back and have watched Project Runway, and I think you deserve and update! [Actually I just feel like writing about it.]
This week's challenge was to create an avant-garde look that matched the model's over the top hairstyle. Halfway through the challenge, Tim informed them that they also had to come up with a ready-to-wear look that expresses the essence of the avant-garde design. They had to work in teams of two, and some teams didn't work so well...
Sweet P and Rami were working together and were deff not a good match. Rami was the team leader, and he kept being all "Sweet P, those pants should be done already!" Their avant-garde look was a corset with extra fabric, and pants under it. The judges did not think that this was avant-garde enough, so Rami was in the bottom two. Sweet P's ready-to-wear dress on the other hand, they loved. It was cute!

Kit and Ricky were also in the bottom two, and produced a prairie sort of thing from the model's hairstyle. With not-so-great colors. And the ready-to-wear was kind of sad. Ohmigawd I hate to be saying this, because I love Kit! But, sadly, because she was the team leader, she went home. I can see why, but I liked her. At least there's still Christian.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:27:00 am 3 comments
Labels: Chris March, Christian Siriano, Jillian Lewis, Kit 'Pisol' Scarbo, Nina Garcia, Project Runway, Rami Kashou, Ricky Lizadle, Sweet P Vaughn, VictorYA Hong
I feel so sick. I'm out of school, possibly have strep, I've got some thing in my eye, and talking hurts. And my hair doesn't looks good today. So now I basically have a 5 day weekend, and, onmigawdddd I better be un-sick by Saturday because there is no way I'm missing Rent.
So I'm off to go watch Project Runway. I'll do an update about in when I'm done.
Not from this season but...oh well!
xoxoXO, especially to Maggie because she's such a Mom, but we love her anyway.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:46:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Maggie, Project Runway, Rent, Sick
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I was tagged by SHE♥FAHSHUN!! So here goes!
1. I have a freakishly odd obsession with t-shirts. I have like a million websites saved. The only problem is, Mom thinks I own enough t-shirts all ready, and has convinced everyone to not buy me any.
2. Okay, so this is completely random, and has nothing to do with this, but its a fact, and its about me, so whatever. Well you know how I hate plaid/checkered stuff? Well brace yourselves, abuse this is even bigger than the Wall Street Journal thing. I found a dress the other day [I forget where] and it was like checkered-y [It's hard to describe] and I love it. Shocking, huh?
3. I was just walking back from the kitchen and I totally tripped over my wellies into my bookshelf and like, 20 books just fell on me.
4. We had a snow day today and I'm so psyched, except for the fact my group is so failing Spanish.
5. I realllly don't have time for this, so so so sorry. I'll tag people later.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 6:46:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: snow day, t-shirts, Walmart Will Do, wellies
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Poisoned Chocolate!
Yesterday on the bus ride home Maggie was given chocolate by these people. [You can't really see them.]
Maggie slowly opens the chocolate and tries some.
[Yes, that is Mary trying to stab her with a pen.]
Maggie has a choking spazzie.
Maggie slowly realizes the chocolate is poisoned. [She is quite upset about this.]
Maggie tries to express her last words to us, but only manages to make funny faces.
Maggie has a slow and painful death.
Laura and Mary try to make Maggie looks presentably alive by fixing her hair.
Laura realized the piece of paper on Maggie's Hershey Kiss was a sign from God!
The following was written by Maggie and will be put on her tombstone.
R.I.P. Maggenthol! ♥♥♥
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:19:00 pm 9 comments
Labels: Bry, chocolate, dead, God, Laura, Maggie, Mary, poisoned
Friday, January 11, 2008
So frustrated
I have such a picture-book story for you guys!! But, sadly, the pictures won't download form my camera, and I refuse to tell the story without the pictures. Cause man, they are the bomb!
I FREAKING HATE EVERYONE. I'm not even kidding. I'm sick of people. Everyone. Except for people I haven't met yet, because they have HUGE amounts of potential.
Most of all I hate myself. I'm such an idiot.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:15:00 pm 4 comments
Labels: friends
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"Isn't that like, the eleventh commandment? No flippeth offeth?"
The highlight of my/our [our being Me, Maggie, Mary, and Laura] day was this: we got flipped of by Bry. It was hilarious because Maggie yelled "Bye!" And Laura waved and then she flipped us off. And Maggie goes "I've been waiting for her to do that forever!!" Sadly, I didn't get a picture of this, because we were all laughing so hard. But I did get pictures of Maggie and Laura flipping my camera off the first-finger way.
This is Maggie slap-happy reading about Leonardo Di Caprio, and Laura, not quite slap-happy listening to her iPod.
This is Maggie and Laura being goth. Or emo, whichever you prefer. [But that's kinda funny, right, Maggie being emo?]
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 4:55:00 pm 2 comments
Labels: Bry, flipped off, Laura, Leonardo Di Caprio, Maggie, Mary
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Today was so not a good day. I had to hear about 'lumpy stuff', got yelled at, threw books at people, looked up Spanish words, shielded ourselves from storm windows, argued about ridiculous stuff, and now I'm watching Ugly Betty. It's actually quite addictive. Although you probably already know I'm obsessed with it. Anyhoodle, I have to go.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:53:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Ugly Betty
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Ugly Betty
Marc and Amanda singing Dreamgirls on Thanksgiving...I love this scene!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 8:45:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: Dreamgirls, Ugly Betty
Your skirt looks like a MAXI-PAD!
That's how much we love Tim Gunn. That's the quote that we've used all day, and the response is "On yeah? Well, your bra looks like an ancient slingshot." Like I said, we love Tim!
So today was v. v. fun I suppose. Besides the whole, you know, ''school' part.
Art- Only 3 art classes left! Awww! Anyhoodle, I did the skirt and painted my person today. But she falls over with the head on...which is sort of a problem. Hey, I bet you didn't know that using grey makes something looks 'sophisticated' and 'like it was done by an older person.' Mhm it's soooo true.
History- We did our maps, only I was done so Hannah Elizabeth and I did health homework! Ohmigawd, fun right?? [Sarcasm, for those of you that didn't get that.] Then we talked about point[less/ful] history day!
Religion- We stared on out conversion plays. My group is so...nice. Let's go with nice. It's a good adjective. Then Edy attacked me, because I asked if anyone thought Joe Jonas looked like a chicken [Greta thought so]. More eventful than usual. Surprisingly.
Math- Math was...mathy. We got separated. It was all very psychologist-y. With a dash of guidance counselor.
Anyhoodle, Laura sent me this video and I love it!
Carry on...
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:05:00 pm 3 comments
Labels: Art, Edy, Greta, Hannah Elizabeth, History Day, Joe Jonas, Laura, Tim Gunn
Monday, January 07, 2008
I am so sick of everything. I wish I didn't have to go to school, but I don't want to stay home either.
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 7:19:00 pm 1 comments
Sunday, January 06, 2008
One thing I'm so in love with, that I've been listening to all weekend is the fabulous CD Laura made me!! It's shiztastic. I love the songs from Rent so much, I'm deff going to ask Dave if we can get the movie before we go see the musical.
Another thing I'm totally loving is the Hollywould collection from Target. It's so adorable! These shoes are my favorites. They have them in pink too, but I like the silver better. The sad thing is, Hollywould is only in Target until January 19th!
Hoodies from Delia's!! They are so adorably cute and fun and colorful. Especially this WWF one, even though it's more of a pullover than a hoodie. [I'm big on the whole WWF thing now, in case you didn't get that.]
David. And. Goliath. Is. Love. Get it through your heads people!! Everything they have is cute. Everything. There's really nothing else I can say. [L. O. V. E.]
Shana Logic candy sprinkles necklace! Real sprinkles inside, and it's so creatively random. You know how I'm random, right?
Fred Flare Go Green tote bags! Ohmigawd, I love these so much! They are so cute! There's another one too, that says resist plastic, but I like this one better. So adorable!!
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 11:15:00 am 4 comments
Labels: Dave, David and Goliath, Delia's, Fred Flare, Hollywould, Laura, Rent, Shana Logic, Target, WWF