Friday, June 06, 2008

We ♥ sewinggggg!

Haaaa so Lizzie's party was pretty fun, no lie.
Amy got to meet Jon Jon, and that was pretty funny. He was like 'Ugh' the whole time because we kept annoying him the whole time. Megan and Amy took a pretty rad picture of the three of them doing double-thumbs-up. Fierce. We went for a walk and Greta, Laura and I were way ahead of Lizzie, Amy, and Megan, so we totally stopped in CVS. Laura told us not to cause a scene though, or else we would look like shoplifters. And even though we stopped for like 10 minutes, we still got to Lizzie's house like 15 minutes before them. I taught Greta how to do 'Peace, around the world, for generations'. Megan tried to play guitar hero...and she was really....amazing. Especially with 'her' mohawk. We watched Can I Have Your Number? with Jon Jon and he walked away half way through. He's amazing. Lizzie broke his phone. I guess she pushes him in front of a car, or something. I had cherry Coke! [It's yummy. I stole Lizzie's.] And Dr. Pepper, but thats given. Lizzie make brownies, and they had Coke on them. She had a laughing spaz thinking about apple juice and champagne. She kept doing this really annoying thing, where she'll be leaning on me, or something, and I won't notice until 5 minutes later. She finds it hilarious when all of a sudden I'm like 'Lizzie! What are you doing??' I find it kind of creepy. We went online on her computer and her iPod [she had wicked good WiFi] and started talking all weird to people. We were all like 'Sup home skillet?' We saw Oscar!! I love him. He's so fluffy. But we couldn't find Lila. She's anti-social. I didn;t exactly keep my balance the whole night...but then again, neither did Lizzie. Whenever she laughs she just kinda falls on the ground. Ohmigod, so Mom, Dave, Lizzie's Mom and I were talking about Jas, and how our principal siad to smell her breath, because of 'puppy breath' [??] and Mom was like 'Yeah, no.' So I was like 'Her breath doesn;t even smell that good. I've smelled it before.' So Mom's like 'What?!?' And I'm like 'Yeah, when she bit my ear.' And Mom thought I was talking about the principal, not Jas. Lizzie's face turned soooo red she was laughing so hard on the stairs, we were all cracking up.
Wicked fun. XD
Can I Have Your Number??


Anonymous said...

that was pretty flyyyyy


Anonymous said...


rahhhh☺ said...


Anonymous said...

amy was hilarious. is she gonna put that video on youtube?

"actually, i'm in between relationships right now."
