Wednesday, June 18, 2008

September 7th

So as you may have guessed by my recent lack of posts, not much has happened lately.
-Lizzie broke her nose. But not really. I guess she only cracked it? Whatever. Shes amazing.
-Hannah and Elizah left for Europe. They're going backpacking.
-Dad went into the hospital. He's still not out yet, but he's not sick or anything. [THANKS! to all the AMAZING people who called/IMed/texted me to find out if he was okay:Abbey, Laura, Lizzie, Taylor, Mariana.]
-Mary Ellen got to go to the Tony's! She is so lucky, ohmigod.
-Abbey is totally addicted to New Moon&Twilight.
-Jas got sooooooo big! She bites you a lot. Like, all the time.
-I have decided that I absolutely have to see Grease.
-Laura's going to get a pretty new phone! I think she got it yesterday.
I can't think of anything else. Oh! Except for the fact that Rent is closing after 12 years. It's closing September 7th, so if you haven't seen it get your bum to a theater and see it. NOW. It is amazing, and if you don't see it you're missing out.

Actual reality, act up, fight AIDS!


Anonymous said...

Totally in agreement on seeing RENT. I've seen it live twice, and seen the movie also. Both worth the time!
Sorry about your sunburn. But you'll always be a-peeling to me.

Anonymous said...

wait ur dad was in the hospital????????????????????? ugh i feel so out of touch what happened?? ~elise~

rahhhh☺ said...

You didn't know Rent was closing, it said it was closing last year

Anonymous said...


it's ahmayzing

dirty dancing's better tho

and hayley has twilight, so call me way in advance from when we're gonna meet, k? lov ya ♥

Anonymous said...

Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I my mom is a racist

rahhhh☺ said...

lizzie your mom is not really racist, but Jon Jon is hilarious in that situation

Anonymous said...

ik jon jon is rele mean tho and so r his friends they said i was fat 4 no reason

Anonymous said...

update plz!!!!

Anonymous said...

i can;t

Anonymous said...

wait y not???