Okay, so this challenge I liked. The designers went to the MET and they had to find a peice of art in one of three galleries to inspire the oufit for the challenge. And you know, two people were going to be out, because of Fashion Week and all.

Sweet P is out. Sad right?? Because I liked her. But lets be honest here...the dress? Not my favorite. I mean it was just kinda...blahh. It was supposed to be peacock-y. But it's not, not really. So I'm sad about Sweet P, but really, I can see how she was.
Chris did this thing that was a lot like the avant-garde challenge, but was a lot less severe. The judges liked it a lot, they thought it was v. v. dramatic and all but they were unhappy that he did something so similar to the avant-garde. In any case, it's a tie between him and Rami. They are going to show the top three looks in their collections upon return so the judges can decide who goes to fashion week.
So. Here goes.

Christian wins this challenge, guaranteed spot at Fashion Week. His was all European, you know how he likes to do that. Judges loved it. Though he really put emotion into his runway shows. What more is there to say?? It was fabulous, and you all knew it would be.

Jillian's outfit was actually really cute. I liked the little gold dress, but you can't see it in this picture. It was really cute, even if she was freaking out about the hemline at the last minute. I really liked it. In to Fashion Week, and shes so excited she almost pulls a Marylin Monroe.

I love Maggie May!!! She is so adorable!! [Possible picture later??]
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