Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay so Walmart Will Do has just awarded me [and two other people] the Absolutely Fierce Thinking Blogger Award! [Fun, right??] Okay, here are the questions.

1. What is the story behind the name of your blog and the nickname?
Well, It's Absolutely Shiztastic, just was kinda like "What??" you know. Shiztastic is a word that Maggie and I made up on the bus outside of school one day, I forget how. But it just kinda stuck.
And the quote under it is from every one's favorite, Stephen Colbert!!

2. Why did you start blogging in the first place?
Maggie actually had a blog, so she was like "Please, please, please, Alana, make one!" So I did but it was so bad, and pointless that I deleted it. Then I made this one, like last May, just cause I was bored, I think.

3. What has been your best and worst blogging experience?
Um, the worst blogging experience is probably like expecting your blog to have lots of comments and links and have lots of people visit it, and then like....nothing. It takes a while, you know? The best experience was like, actually looking at other peoples blogs and reading them and meeting all new people that might like live no where near you that you might have never met.

4. What do you think/want to happen to your blog in 2008?
I really want to get like more viewers. And maybe more comments, thought I get some of those already. [HINT HINT as Sister P would say.] Other than that I'm happy.

So, the award is going to.......
Maggie! From Sugar Spice and Shizzle
Steph! From *cough cough* Steffles 4 life
Greta! From Floppy
Only I don't know if she reads my blog, so what the heck, I'll also give it to
Edy! From Everything is Fantabulous
Have fun with that you guys!!


Anonymous said...


so what do i have to do now?

o and btw im typing this in study


Anonymous said...

Now you have to do the same thing on your blog. Like the questions the pictures and award other people.
And by the way....
me too!!

Steph said...

kay whys it say steph cough cough?

Belle ♥ said...

becuase its before your lovely blog title and i wanted eveyone to know it is important.
plus i had just coughedd.