Thursday, May 31, 2007

Omg, this rocks...

I love you Leena...(she can't comment, so I'm just posting it, because I love it so much)

Laycray is so ah-may-zing!!
I'm going to write a haiku about you, because I'm bored:

Tripping over chairs
Fabulous Fairy-Princess
My HERO - yay Laycray!

ok well the last line was 6 syllables but whos counting anyway? and why are the Japanese so uptight about their stupid 5 7 5 rule?? You'd think they'd be better at poetry.

Seriously. You rock.

Urgh-Ipod rehab

My I-pod is 'officialy' back in rehab. It's screen is froze, and the battery was full, I grabbed it full charge. It happened before though, so I think I know how to fix it...
Anyway, while we are talking about music (ipod=music, ya know?) I just bought a Regina Spektor CD!!! I love it. Downloading it now, in fact. Fabulous! I mean, wonderful. Yeah. Well, anyway, put off health homework as long as possible. Must go learn about scabies. Yucko.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I have a bunch of friends. Well, people I consider friends. And people who are sometimes friends, but other times get on my nerves or make me wicked jealous. But, you know, that's life. And I have old friends to, from my old school. Who seem to get on my nerves a lot more than they used to...I wonder why? Oh well. A bunch of people are leaving my school next year though, and that stinks. But still I love my friends. YAY FREINDYS!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The name's Alana.
And [pshhhh, let's face it] I'm amazing.
3 pets.
4 parents.
And...that's all you need to know [for now].