Obviously, I've bought The Cab's new cd. I love it.
Happy New Year I guess. Twenty oh nine, as Sister P would say.
Nothing has happened. Everything has happened.
I don't know what to say anymore. When I do know, I don't know how to say it.
I don't think I'm going to blog anymore.
Maybe this is a lie, maybe I'll go back to that hellhole tomorrow, and something amazing will happen and I'll have to blog about it.
The odds of this happening aren't good.
If I do decide to blog again, I have no idea what it will be about.
Maybe I'll make it private, so only certain people can view it.
I'm indecisive. I don't know.
Once things are said, you can't take them back.
You can try, and maybe things will work out.
But they were still said. They were still out there.
Words kill. They hurt.
Even ones that you don't think will.
Words are two-faced. They have double meanings.
It all depends on how they're said.
I hate that this whole thing has happened.
You know what thing.
And I hate myself for not knowing what to do about it.
Or what to say, and when to say it.
About not knowing how to feel.
But I wanted to say thankyou to everyone who apologized.
Everyone who tried to fix it.
Everyone who knew what to try to do.
Everyone who knew what to say, whether it helped the situation and was said publicly, or whether it made someone feel better and was said privately.
I'm sorry too. It's late, I know. But I wasn't sure how to address things.
And I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow at school.
I know that I've missed some people like CRAZY.
And I know I'm going to need a solid hug from someone.
Because that might help.
But part of me doesn't want that.
Part of me doesn't want to go in tomorrow and go down the hallway and hug everyone I've missed insanely for the past two weeks.
Part of me doesn't want to hug or see or be near anyone, like I would on a normal day.
Part of me wants to go in tomorrow and just stay locked in the bathroom stall all homeroom and hide and cry.
Honestly, that's what might end up happening. Because it is really hard to not cry without closing your eyes or blinking fast like a spaz.
Part of me is scared as hell to go there tomorrow and see everyone. Because all I can think of is "Where Do We Go From Here?" from that musical Buffy episode.
That's all I can think of for more people than you'd think.
Because I'm not sure I'll know what to say to anyone. I feel like I'll freeze. I'll be stuck.
I'm a fucking mess.
I need help taking everything away, to keep it off my mind, and usually being with some people from school would stop that.
But now, I'm not sure what I need.
Because I'm insecure as hell.
I can't sleep at night. Even if I do, I'm always tired. No matter what.
I hate feeling cut off from people.
I have all the lights possible on in my room right now. It seems dark without it.
I can't stand it at home, but I don't want to go anywhere else either.
I hate thinking about things.
I don't want to be around people, or I feel like I don't anyways.
But maybe when I actually am, I'll feel better.
I hate some people.
But I love others.
I don't know whats going to happen tomorrow.
I don't know how I'm going to keep everything in.
Like crying. I don't know how I'm going to appear happy.
I don't know if I'll come back here.
But I don't know if I can. I'm not sure how I feel about blogging anymore.
That thing kind of ruined it, it feels heavy now.
I'm trying so hard not to feel any of this, because that's how I deal.
I ignore things, I try not to feel them.
I act like I don't care, when on the inside I'm really falling apart.
But its coming in, all of it. I'm not holding it out well enough.
I'm a shitty friend.
I'm jealous.
I'm bitchy.
I'm worried.
I'm lost.
I'm insecure.
I'm scared.
I don't know what to do.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
One Of THOSE Nights
Written by: The Fabulous Belle ♥ at 5:04:00 pm
Labels: Alana Richelle, Buffy, Happy New Year, In order to keep the subjects private this post has no labels, school, Sister P, The Cab
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Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today
I'm a shitty friend.
I'm jealous.
I'm bitchy.
I'm worried.
I'm lost.
I'm insecure.
I'm scared.
I don't know what to do.
ONE WORD: BULLSHIT 9(er maybe thats two words idk how to spell)
aand ima give u BIG solid hugg :)
im still going to assume im in the category of 'people you hate'
im sorry.
and if you need a solid hug...
or want to cry
and someone to scream about how you hate the world to.
ill always be here.
ima give you a hug okk? im so sorry you feel cut off. your not, because even when your not with people we still remember you and think about you so your kind of always with us(:
you are NOT a shitty friend or bitchy. neverrr say thatt[=
i agree with frankie. you arent a shitty friend. nor bitchy.
you were just caught up in the middle
and you didnt know what to do
this isnt your fault alana
at ALL.
i dont think anyone can be blamed for this. except the people who said stuff that hurt you, including me, contributed to this mess.
if you need to talk... im here.
and sorry, again.
although you can never forgive me.
for the horrible things i did.
although i feel for you and wish i could help ease you pain i also wish you had returned my emails and ims and everything else. i wish that you would forgive me but i don't think i can keep trying much longer. i have already apologized to you. i know you feel confused and upset and for the past month almost, so have i. i always thought of you as my best friend, there for me when im down. thats why i find it so unbelievable that you are done with me so quickly-after two and a half years of good times. i would like to give you a huge hug and let this all go but you prob. wouldn't let me and it would be awkward. that is both of our faults. as mrs. nadeu would say "forgiveness goes hand in hard with frienship.".
Still waiting,
i kind of thought today
might be the day
we would become friends again
but i guess not.
well... thank you
for being my friend
you really changed my life
in a good way
and ill miss you.
glad you didnt cry in the bathroom today.
i guess this is goodbye.
your not a shitty friend -
your the best any person could ever have .
people make mistakes.
they say the wrong things at the wrong times .
but truth is, things happen .
and sure, you cant take them back .
but itll all get betterr in timee .
your jealous ?-
who isnt .
everyone gets jealous some time or another .
im jealous .
im jealous of alot of things .
but every one is.
whether its a little thing ,
or a big thing.
people get jealous too .
your bitchy ? -
have you seeeen mee ?!
your nothing compared to me .
your not bitchy .
not at all .
your one of the nicest people ive ever met .
your worried ?-
who doesnt get worried ?
hell, im worrried too .
im worried about everything .
everything i could possibly be worried about.
thts nothing to be ashamed of .
your lost ? -
what girl 13 years old and in 8th grade ?
no . dont answer tht .
cause being you, you could answer tht .
but .seirously .
i could name about 10 people right now who are lost .
& id start with me .
so its deff okay to be lost .
your insecure .-
when theres this much drama going on, who isnt ?
its just a bad time .
things will get better.
i promise .
things will get way better.
your scared.
me .
too .
im scared as hell .
im scared tht people will get their way .
& make us not be friends again .
im scared tht something bads going to happen*
*you know wht tht is .
im scared tht ill say something wrong .
im scared tht my mom will actually do what she says she'll do .
im scared of sooo many things .
you dont know what to do ?
neither do i .
neither does half the 8th grade at bayview .
but thts why you have friends .
& dnt even start to tell me tht everyone hates you .
because look at all the ppl tht care about you above me and soon to be below me .
just loook at those comments.
and think .
think of all the amazing friends you have .
most of them have helped you with so many things.
some did one thing wrong,
and it changed so many things .
but put it behind you .
for now at least .
so now immma sing you a songg .
are you overloaded ?
candy coatedd.
your lifes imploding now .
theres a risk worth taking .
a pain worth aching
on this hollow ground
we can let go
dont hold on to all of lifes hardest parts.
when we think of stopping
letss keep on rocking .
to the rhythm of our hearts.
we can
we can break out of here
jjump on over there
where the air is clearer
we can we can
forget the pace
win in our own race
become a broken chain
we are broken chains yeah
good and broken .
find the magic, go and grab it
your fate is in your hands .
come on, find a reason .
to believe in ,
just tell your selff .
weee can .
we can break out of here
jjump on over there
where the air is clearer
we can we can
forget the pace
win in our own race
become a broken chain
we are broken chains yeah
good and broken .
get off your seatt.
on your feet .
raise your hands.
feel the beatt .
let it goo .
loose controll .
feel it in your souul .
dont you know
what you can do
if you have faith in you
lets not be invisible .
theres no red light in life
just go
we can break out of here
jjump on over there
where the air is clearer
we can we can
forget the pace
win in our own race
become a broken chain
we are broken chains yeah
good and broken .
we can
we can
we can
we can .
& so on .
goood andddd brokennnn .
& now imma sing the song im listening to from rent:
its true you sold your guitar .
and bought a car.
its true
im leaving now for santa fe .
its true your with this yuppie scum.
you sayd youd never speak to him again .
not now .
who sayd you had any say in who she says things to at all ?
who sayd tht you should stick your nose in other ppls -
who sayd i was talking to you .
we used to have this fight each night .
she'd never admit i existed.
he was the same way .
he was always run away hit the road, dont commit .
your full of shit .
shes in denial
hes in denial
didnt give an inch,
when i gave a mile
i gave a mile .
gave a mile to who ?
come on guys chilll
i be happy to die for a taste of what angel had
someone to live for
unafraid to say i love you .
allll your words are nice mimi
but loves not a 3way streeet.
youll never share real love .
until you love youself.
i should know.
you all sayd youd be cool today
so please for my sake
cant believe hes gone
i cant believe your going .
i cant believe this family must die
angel helped us believe in love .
i cant believe you disagree
i cant believe this is gooooodbyeeeeeeee.
i hear there are great restaurants out west.
some of the best .
how could she ?
how could you let her go ?
you just dont know .
how could we loose angel .
maybe youll see why
when you stop excaping your pain .
at least now i f you try
angels death wont be in vain
his death is in vain.
are you insane
theres so much to care about .
theres me theres mimi
mimis got her bagage too .
so do you
who are you to tell me what i know ?
what to do ?
a friend
but who mark are you ?
mark has got his work .
they say mark lives for his work
and marks in love with his work .
mark hides in his work.
from what ?
from facing your failure .
facing your lonliness
facing the fact
you live a lie
yes you live a lie
tell you why
your always preaching not to be numb
when thts how you thrive .
you pretend to create and observe when you really detatch from feeling alive .
perhaps because im the one of us to survive.
mimi still loves you .
are you really jelaous ?
or afraid mimis weak .
mimi did look pale .
mimis gotton thin .
mimis running out of time.
and your running out the door
no more .
ive gotta go
for someone whos always been let down,
whos running out of town ?
for someone who longs for a community of his own,
whos with his camera
alone ?
ill call .
i hate the fall .
you heard ?
every word.
you dont want baggage
without lifetime guarantees.
you dont want to watch me die .
i just came to say goodbye love .
goodbye lovee .
came to say goodbyee lovee.
goodbye .
just came to say
goodbyee loveee .
goodbyee loveee.
goodbyee .
please dont touch me .
understand im scared .
i need to go away .
i know a place.
a clinic ?
maybe .
could you ?
ill pay
gooodbyeee loveee .
came ot say goodbyee love
goodbye .
just came to say
goodbyee lovee
goodbyeee loooovveee.
goodbyee love .
hello. disseaaseeeeeee.
im done .
wow .tht took me a while .
goodbye love -rent
i love you alana<3
shitty friend?
silly goose. this has nothing to do with you. alana you are an amazing wonderful person and you inspire me a ton. so dont even think that for a second. because all of this... its not you. its just a whole bunch of people; and sadly you got caught up in the middle!! which is SOOO not fair.
people are mean. they arent nice sometimes. but theres also people out there who want to kick the mean people right in the butt.
Just because of all this drama you shouldn't quit ur blog. Seriously alana, so many people read it an love it. A lot of people get inspired just reading it so please don't quit it ):
and your not a shitty friend. We all screw up sometimes. You're jealous... sure but isn't everyone jealous sometimes? And your not bitchy. If I were to think of the word bitchy you would DEFINETLY not come up in my mind. You're great. Be yourself, believe in yourself, and trust other people.
You never know...
yeaaaa amen to that!
alana i miss yuuuuu
xoxo elise!!
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